Reflecting On Semarang, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin Officialized The PLUT UMKM

JAKARTA - Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin left for Semarang, Central Java, to inaugurate the Integrated Business Service Center (PLUT) for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Cooperatives (MSMEs). Accompanied by the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (MenKOPUKM) Teten Masduki, Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo, Ma'ruf said the government continues to present an inclusive economic transformation and reaches all levels of the economy.

This can only be achieved with three pillars, namely economic growth and development, equitable income and poverty reduction, and expansion of access and job opportunities, one of which can be carried out through the presence of PLUT UMKM.

"I am very happy because the presence of this integrated service is expected to be an accelerator for the growth and development of cooperatives, MSMEs and entrepreneurs who have been involved in driving the economy of Semarang Regency," he said in his remarks when inaugurating the PLUT in Semarang, Tuesday, December 27.

Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that PLUT has a strategic position as a development of the spirit of entrepreneurship.

This is stated in Presidential Regulation Number 2 of 2022 concerning Entrepreneurship Development, PLUT UMKM has been declared as one of the Executive Agencys for National Entrepreneurship Development in the regions.

In addition, PLUT has a strategic position in supporting the implementation of Government Regulation Number 2 of 2022, in accelerating the transformation of business actors from informal to formal through NIB assistance, data collection of MSMEs, partnership assistance and implementation of incubation for MSMEs.

"Therefore, I am happy to be able to attend the inauguration of the Semarang PLUT and really hope that what has been started can continue to be managed and developed properly by the local government so that a conducive entrepreneurial ecosystem is formed to create established entrepreneurs with innovative and sustainable efforts, towards achieving the 2020-2024 RPJMN target, namely the 3.95 percent entrepreneurship ratio and 4 percent new entrepreneurial growth," he explained.

In particular, the Vice President also said that the MSME PLUT is a control over the development of a national entrepreneurial ecosystem that supports the socio-economic integration of the community in the ongoing National Strategic Projects.

I also invite us together to develop entrepreneurship in society. Entrepreneurial spirit needs to be introduced from a young age, by instilling innovative, creative and independent, honest and never giving up, including in the education curriculum," concluded Ma'ruf Amin.