Make Sure The Fuel Distribution Is Right On Target, BPH Migas In Collaboration With The Riau Islands Provincial Government

JAKARTA - The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) and the Riau Islands Provincial Government (Riau Provincial Government) signed a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) on Control and Supervision in Distribution of Certain Types of Fuel Oil (JBT) and Types of Assignment Special Oil Fuel (JBKP) at User Consumers in Riau Islands Province.

This agreement is a follow-up to the previous PKS with the Directorate General of Regional Development Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs which was signed at the end of October 2022.

"This PKS is important because the Regional Government is aware of consumer users in its area who are entitled to get the JBT and JBKP. So, we ask for help from the local government to be able to provide recommendations to consumers who are entitled and participate in supervising the distribution of subsidized fuel," explained Head of BPH Migas Erika Retnowati in an official statement, Friday, December 23.

Erika hopes that the Riau Islands Provincial Government can provide support for the verification and issuance of recommendation letters and identity letters to JBT and JBKP users.

"We hope that it can be implemented immediately and can run well so that the results are in accordance with what we hope for together. I also express my gratitude and appreciation to the Riau Islands Provincial Government and in the future so that other regions can follow it," said Erika.

Meanwhile, Riau Islands Provincial Governor Ansar Ahmad added, the importance of synergy and collaboration from all parties so that the distribution of subsidized fuel is more targeted. Riau Islands Province, which consists of 2,000 islands, of which 300 inhabited islands, has challenges in distribution of fuel that is not easy.

"In the near future, the Riau Islands Province will form a BBM Control and Supervision Team at the provincial, district, city levels to the sub-district level to be effective and on target," said Ansar.

The scope of this collaboration includes:

1. Data exchange and/or monitoring information on the purchase of JBT and JBKP based on a Recommendation Letter issued by the Head of Regional Apparatus/Head of Fisheries Port/Lurah/Village Head in the Riau Islands environment to JBT and JBKP User Consumers;

2. Supervision of the purchase of JBT based on an Identity Letter issued by the Head of Regional Apparatus in charge of affairs in accordance with their respective authorities in the Riau Islands environment to JBT User Consumer;

3. Improve the orderly implementation of issuance, monitoring, and evaluation of the Recommendation Letter and Identity Letter issued by the Head of Regional Apparatus/Head of Fishery Port/Lurah/Village Head in a transparent and accountable manner for the purchase of JBT and JBKP;

4. Control the JBT and JBKP quotas per Regency/City according to the volume determined; and

5. Melakukan sosialisasi terkait dengan kebijakan Pemerintah terhadap JBT dan JBKP di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau.