Reject The Chairperson Of The MUI To Become A Representative For Community Leaders, The Plenary Session For The Anniversary Of The City Of Bukittinggi Colored By The Action Of Walk Out Indigenous Figures

The plenary session attended by the City Government and the Bukittinggi City DPRD was marked by the walk out of a number of local traditional leaders on Thursday, December 22. They rejected that the chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) was appointed as a representative of community leaders in a trial related to the commemoration of the 2238 Bukittinggi anniversary (HJK).

Based on observations, a number of traditional Bukittinggi figures, starting from Penghulu Pucuak, E Datuak Rajo Mulia and Pangka Tuo Nagari Kurai Bukittinggi, D Datuak Rangkayo Basa, expressed their disapproval. Both of them also walked out during the delivery agenda of community figures represented by the MUI Chair. "We object to the appointment of the MUI chairman as a representative of community figures at the Bukittinggi City Anniversary trial, which is our homeland, should be given space for Ninik Mamak (Nic Mamak Pangka Tuo Nagari, Elvis Datuak Kampuang Dalam, red) who speak, MUI is a separate institution, not part of the customary Kurai Bukittinggi," said Pangka Tuo at the location, Bukittinggi, West Sulawesi (Sulbar), Thursday, December 22.

He said, Penghulu Pucuak became the first traditional figure to interfere with objections. A number of traditional figures then followed in the footsteps of Penghulu Pucuak. "I don't agree, that was what Inyiak Mulia shouted earlier, we also accompanied her out of the trial, although there were still several other traditional figures who survived," said Pangka Tuo. Other traditional figures also regretted the incident that occurred in front of invited guests such as Deputy Governor of West Sumatra Audy Joinaldi. He said this incident was the first time in Bukittinggi. "In fact, we have warned the DPRD secretariat as well as protocols before today and repeated again this morning before the event but it turns out that it was ignored," said Ninik Mamak. NInik Mamak asked the City Government and the Bukittinggi DPRD to communicate with the Nagari Administration in organizing events related to local customs. According to him, this incident should not be repeated. "Where the earth is stepped on, where the sky is visited, this is another warning, hopefully, there will not be a distance between the City Government and traditional figures, not good, I don't know who instructed us, for sure we are disappointed," he said.

This incident had stopped the plenary session of the 238th HJK Bukittinggi. A number of members of the Bukittinggi DPRD had asked local traditional leaders to walk in and out. However, the request was rejected even though the meeting was finally resumed after the situation was conducive.

Member of the DPRD from the Nasdem Faction, Asril, admitted that there was a mistake in the secretariat in the preparation of the 238th HJK event in Bukittinggi. "It must be admitted that there was a mistake, I am also ashamed and it feels appropriate for traditional leaders to be disappointed and leave the trial, personally I am also disappointed, later we will re-evaluate," said Asril. Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Bukittinggi City DPRD Council, Ade Mulyani, could not be asked for his statement. Based on Antara's report, the HJK Bukittinggi plenary session is a routine agenda every year with the Bukittinggi City Government. The trial to commemorate the Bukittinggi Anniversary was always attended by community leaders, Bundo Kanduang, Forkopimda and invited guests from West Sumatra Province.