NFTMe, A Documentary Series Film On Amazon Prime That Introduces NFT

JAKARTA - The capacity to authenticate almost everything digitally, and the possibility of making money in a way that anyone could not even imagine before. These are some of the ways of Amazon's new documentary series, NFTMe, in introducing nonfungible tokens (NFTs).

The show features artists, collectors and industry professionals around the world sharing their experiences with NFT and how the merger between art and technology has a positive impact on their daily lives.

In six 30-minute episodes, NFTMe introduced 50 NFT space pioneers from four continents, including American singer Susaye Greene of The Supremes; Ratu Diambi Kabatusuila of the Democratic Republic of Congo; Refic Anadol, digital artist for SpaceX and NASA; Peter

The first episode explored the NFT community and the journey of different people through digital culture, with leading influence providers destroying NFT and blockchain technologies, and Congo's Queen Diambi explained how her tribes have a Web3 mindset.

Episode kedua membahas bagaimana Refik Anadol membuat karya seni dengan NASA dan bagaimana permintaan Eminem dari 20 tahun lalu menghasilkan perjalanan NFT.

The following episode explores how brands connect with NFT to explore audiences and new generations, the social impact of digital transformation, tokenization in the music industry, metaverse disruption, and the role of NFT in recognizing and voicing artists.

Among the highlights was CrossTower co-founder Kristin pathiano who broke down the regulatory role of keeping the NFT market on track in episode five.

The NFTME documentary series debuted at Amazon Prime, available in the United States and the United Kingdom initially.

Behind the documentary series is the producer of the film Tech Talk Media and award-winning director Jonny Caplan. Production started in 2019 and had to be adapted due to COVID-19 restrictions, "including shipments of AI robots equipped with LiDar sensors, allowing directors to move, direct, and communicate remotely," Tech Talk said in an official announcement.

"NFTMe intends to be an NFT MTV, providing default access to information about NFT in a clear, easy-to-understand, and effective way, enabling viewers to absorb a lot of terminology, diversity, and opportunities in the Web3 realm, while experiencing culture, mood, style, and energy," Tech Talk wrote.

NFTME performed on Amazon Prime, originally in the United States and the United Kingdom. The series will roll out worldwide to more broadcasters by 2023.