Proudly, The Regent Of Banggai Finally Ran Aground In The Dominance Of Palu At The 2022 Central Sulawesi Porprov

JAKARTA - Banggai Regency recorded history in the 2022 Central Sulawesi (Sulteng) Provincial Sports Week (Porprov). Proud to overthrow the dominance of Palu City, which has been a common champion.

This is the first time that the Central Sulawesi Porprov has won by regions other than Palu. The journey of Banggai to win the title of overall champion is not easy.

Having been eliminated at the beginning of the competition, the Banggai athletes got up in the middle. Towards the end of the competition, Banggai skyrocketed and established the position of champion, leaving Palu City and Sigi Regency, who became the closest competitors.

Proud to have won 80 gold, 65 silver, and 76 bronze, defeating Palu, who made 69 gold, 75 silver, and 76 bronze notes. Meanwhile Sigi fell far behind with 48 gold, 29 silver, and 37 bronze.

Appreciation of Regent Amirudin

Banggai Regent H. Amirudin, together with his representative, H. Furqannudin, welcomed this sweet history with pride. Both attended the closing ceremony of the IXth Porprov. The ceremony was held in the courtyard of the former astaqa MTQ in the Regent's office complex in Tombang Permai Village, South Luwuk District.

Apart from Amirudin and Furqannudin, Central Sulawesi Governor Rusdi Mastura and Central Sulawesi Provincial KONI chairman H. Nizar Rahmatu were also present. In the event, Nizar expressed his high appreciation to Banggai Regency, which was not only the overall champion but also managed to hold this sporting event as the host.

"The chairman of the Provincial KONI appreciates Banggai Regency as the host because he has been able to carry out Porprov properly and smoothly and really hopes that whoever becomes the host will be able to imitate Banggai Regency," said Nizar Rahmatu.

On the same occasion, H. Amirudin thanked the athletes and all parties involved in the implementation of the 2022 Central Sulawesi Porprov. Moreover, realizing the importance of community participation, H. Amirudin also expressed his gratitude to all the people of Banggai Regency.

"On behalf of the leaders in this area, allow us to express our gratitude and highest appreciation to the Governor of Central Sulawesi for entrusting Banggai Regency as the host," said the Regent.

On the branches of the tempua bird, seeing deer on the grass, quite a number of our encounters. Until the next four years. Luwuk City is very beautiful at night, the panoramic is beautiful for us to enjoy. If we separate later, never forget us close Amirudin with his pantun.