The Driver Who Lost His Employer In Sunter Jakut, It Turned Out That He Was Often Cursed At Public Places

The results of the temporary examination of the perpetrators of the murder of an elderly woman (elderly) in the luxury housing estate of Inti Griya Sentosa, Sunter, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, revealed that the perpetrator who worked as a driver admitted that he was hurt. Because of revenge, he killed him.

The Head of the Tanjung Priok Police, Kompol M Yamin, said that the motive that motivated the perpetrator to kill his employer's family was heartache because the perpetrators were often abused in front of many people.

"Perpetrators as drivers are always blamed and always cursed in public. Then the perpetrators are hurt so that the perpetrators commit acts of violence against the victim," Yamin said in a short message, Thursday, December 15.

Furthermore, Yamin also said that the perpetrator had only been working for the victim's family since 2 months ago. Meanwhile, the motive for the perpetrator to want to control the victim's property is still uncertain.

Yamin continued, the chronology of the incident began when the perpetrator was asked by R to return home in Inti Griya Sentosa, Sunter. While at home, it happened that there was M (76). When the perpetrator met M, he immediately smothered and beat him until the victim's teeth came off.

Stacked equally, 2 teeth were loosed because the victim had fought back. I found 2 teeth," said Yamin.

After successfully executing the victim, came the second driver. The driver saw that the victim was helpless, he immediately fought back with the perpetrator.

"After the employer and the driver came, there was another fight between the second driver and the first driver (the perpetrator)." he said.

The second driver finally fled out of the house looking for help. Meanwhile, R, the victim's family, was injured as a result of being mistreated by the perpetrator. Meanwhile, M's body in the house is still lying.

"We received the report, we finally managed to get inside to secure the perpetrators because the time was very close. Finally we caught the perpetrator while hiding in the attic." Yamin explained.