Sri Mulyani Curhat Often Gets A WA Message Crypto Players Who Are Big Overnight

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani had the opportunity to share her experience as a state treasurer who manages the economy at the 2022 Ministry of Finance's Anti-Corruption Day Commemoration (Hakordia) event.

On this occasion, he revealed that economic challenges continue to develop, ranging from the pandemic, the geopolitical crisis, to the development of the financial sector in line with the advancement of information technology.

Especially the last point, the Minister of Finance admitted that he often received reports and complaints from various parties who were involved in crypto investment models. He said, the 4.0 technology-based wealth store tool is still growing to find its own balancing.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for investors to feel that they are experiencing a relatively rapid loss from this investment.

We are now faced with boom and bust disruption of technology. Surely in this room know that the crypto market, which in the last few months or years all sent Whatsapp (WA) to me that crypto boom. The amount, which was previously only worth billions, suddenly busted overnight from one of the crypto players," he said on Tuesday, December 13.

According to the Minister of Finance, this condition cannot be separated from the rapid development of technology which cannot all be accommodated by regulations. For information, the government and the DPR are now pursuing the delay in regulations in the financial sector through the Draft Law on the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (RUU P2SK).

"This is a matter of governance," he stressed.

Furthermore, the state treasurer also said that the challenges ahead would be more difficult with the dynamics of climate change which is one of the important issues in the world.

"Even now we still continue to understand how the implications are. Climate change will be a new shock," he said.