The TB Mitra Anugrah Ship In The SMI Area Was Burned, 2 People Died

SERANG An explosion occurred inside the TB ship. Anugrah partner at the Jetty Slip Way B area of PT. SMI 1, Lumalang Village, Bojonegara Village, Serang Regency, Banten, Monday 12 December. As a result of this incident, two initials MF (25) and AO (32) were reported to have died with their bodies burned.

Ditolairud Polda Banten yang mendapat laporan segera datang ke tempat kejadian perkara (TKP) dan melakukan evakuasi.

The Head of Sub-Directorate for Gakkum Ditpolairud of the Banten Police, AKBP Iwan Muri, explained that the work accident began when the victims were working on a cooling pipe on the ship.

"At around 10:45 p.m., the two victims were working on the cooling pipe of the TB ship, Mitra Anugrah, using a gerinda and a English key. Then suddenly an explosion appeared in the engine room which resulted in the victim's burns and death," Iwan said in a written statement, Monday, December 12.

Iwan added that after the two victims were successfully evacuated they were taken to the hospital.

"Furthermore, the injured and dead have been taken to the Cilegon RSKM," he added.

Investigators from the Sub-Directorate of Gakkum Ditpolairud of the Banten Police are currently investigating the possibility of a criminal act in the incident.

"Our investigation started for this incident by conducting a comprehensive TKP with Labfor, examining witnesses and asking for VER to the hospital," explained Iwan.