The Ministry Of Industry And South Korea Cooperation In Industrial Human Resources Development

JAKARTA - Indonesia and South Korea have a long history of cooperation between countries. By 2023, the cooperation between the two countries has been going on for exactly 50 years.

South Korea's investment in Indonesia in the period 2017-2021 shows that South Korea has become the third largest investor of 8.18 billion US dollars. During the visit of the President of Indonesia in July 2022 to South Korea, a 6.37 billion US dollars agreement has also been signed and will absorb more than 58 thousand workers.

Regarding the development of industrial human resources, the Ministry of Industry signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ulsan College and Kocham Indonesia, in Jakarta, Monday 12 December.

"In the MoU, among others, it has been agreed that the training collaboration between Ulsan College and Kocham together with the Ministry of Industry and PIDI 4.0 Industrial Training Center, educational cooperation between Ulsan College and the Ministry of Industry Polytechnic, competency certificates, educational programs for the ASN Ministry of Industry, special short-term academic programs or cultural programs, to joint research and publication," explained Arus Gunawan, Head of BPSDMI at the MoU signing activity.

Cooperation also includes the development of labor and labor cooperation in Indonesia and South Korea, exchange of information and materials that are of common interest, including benchmarking visits and exchange of experts, learning modules, curriculum, technology, and technical personnel related to industrial transformation 4.0.

"The signing of this MoU is the first step that of course needs to be followed up with a technical plan agreed upon by the technical team of the two parties to be implemented," continued Arus.

Expert Staff of the Minister for Climate Business and Investment at the Ministry of Industry, Andi Rizaldi, appreciated the cooperation.

"MoU The development of the Korean Model Eco-Industrial Park (EIP) in Indonesia can accelerate the transformation of Industrial Estates in Indonesia towards Eco-Industrial Park," said Andi.

The Ministry of Industry itself oversees 11 Polytechnics, 2 Community Academys, 9 Vocational High Schools, and 7 Industrial Training Centers which produce thousands of competent and ready-to-work human resources every year.

"We hope that from this MoU there will be many opportunities for absorption of workers both in Indonesia and South Korea as well as an increase in Indonesia's technology and management expertise from South Korea's benchmarking," said Arus.

Previously, with the Ministry of Industry, South Korea and Indonesia collaborated in the form of strategic cooperation in the field of developing machine equipment technology centers in Bandung, West Java with the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT), industrial-related cooperation activities 4.0 with NRC, smart factory construction and test beds at PIDI 4.0 with KITECH, ILJOO GnS and Gachon University.

"In the scope of these various collaborations, there have been several ongoing collaborations at the Ministry of Industry's Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) including cooperation related to the development of startup ecosystem centers in PIDI 4.0 supported by STEPI and the introduction of ICT practical enterterprises in Indonesia for vocational education supported by KRIVET, both of which are affiliates of NRC research institutions," explained Arus.