Factory Sharing In East Kalimantan Rampung This Year, Kemenkop UKM Please MSMEs No More Selling Sustainable Materials

Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs Arif Rahman Hakim said the construction of a factory sharing in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan, will be completed by the end of 2022 and will soon operate in 2023 as confirmed by the contractor.

"I have checked directly and received that certainty," said Arif Rahman while reviewing the construction of Factory Sharing in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan, in an official statement quoted by Antara, Monday, December 12.

If the construction of a factory sharing can be completed and operated, he continued, then Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) can use it to increase the added value of the products produced.

In addition to producing, factory sharing can also be used as a packaged house. Through this facility, it is hoped that residents and MSME actors in East Kalimantan will no longer sell raw materials or raw materials.

"For example, ginger, factory sharing can be processed into something that has added value. So, when marketed, the results can further improve people's welfare," said Arif.

While in East Kalimantan, the Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Cooperatives and Small Business Capacity Improvement of the Non-Physical Special Allocation Fund (PK2UMK DAK). This is intended to ensure that MSME priority activities can be spread from top to bottom.

On that occasion, Arif explained the evaluation of MSME activities so that they could go one way from the center to the regions to achieve the target and be realized together.

"For example, related to modern cooperatives, we have a national target, we are also expected to be realized together. Hopefully, it can increase APBD (Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget) income," he said.