Threat Of Drought In 2023, Moeldoko Alerts All Parties

Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko constantly reminds the public about the challenges of the food crisis that is currently happening in the world. Moreover, now many countries have implemented policies to limit food exports that can have an impact on national food security.

"With that condition, we have money but we can't necessarily buy food because we can't import it," said Moeldoko while attending the Cheap Food Bazar, at the Ngawi Regency Kepatihan Hall on December 9.

Moeldoko admitted that Indonesia's current food condition is still quite good. Where, natural phenomena in the form of La Nina, namely wet weather conditions and rain, have provided benefits to the agricultural sector.

However, on the other hand, the Chairperson of the Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI) also said that Indonesia will face potential challenges for the phenomenon of El Nino or drought in 2023.

The risk could be fire and crop failure. For this reason, President Jokowi from the start had emphasized Indonesian farmers to plant anything that could strengthen national food security," explained Moeldoko.

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander also continues to echo the use of sorghum which can grow well in dry conditions. So that when there is a phenomenon of El Nino or drought in 2023, sorghum can be an alternative source of food for the people of Indonesia.

I have pioneered planting sorghum in Waingapu NTT, because sorghum is a plant that can be grown massively, on marginal or dry land. Well, alternatives like this we have to look for, "explained Moeldoko.