Sandiaga Uno Asks Tourists Not To Sue Indonesia, Kasih Garansi Kenyamanan Even Though There Is A Criminal Code

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno asked tourists, especially foreign tourists, not to hesitate to visit Indonesia. As a country that has a variety of tourist destinations, one of which is Bali, Indonesia is always open to welcome tourist arrivals.

"Nothing has changed from the current system in the tourism industry. Our focus is on continuing to improve quality and sustainable tourism," said Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno in his statement, Friday, December 9.

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy emphasized that the Indonesian government remains on the guidelines that the private sphere of the community, including tourists, will remain guaranteed so that the comfort and security of the private sphere of tourists while traveling in Indonesia is always maintained.

Regarding the ratification of the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) by the House of Representatives (DPR) some time ago, Menparekraf Sandiaga said this was a manifestation of the running of a constitutional state system whose main goal was to protect the Indonesian people. And the regulation will only take effect 3 years after it is ratified.

Actually, there is no substantive change related to this article when compared to Article 284 of the old Criminal Code. The difference lies only in the addition of parties who have the right to complain. The threat of new punishment can apply if there are parties who complain or in other words the complaint offense.

This rule regulates that parties who can complain are husband or wife for people bound by marriage. As for people who are not bound by marriage, it is their parents or children. Without a complaint by a legal person, then no party has the right to take legal action.

Currently, the government and relevant stakeholders are preparing detailed rules and SOPs for tourism activities that can ensure the safety and comfort of visiting tourists.

In addition, socialization continues not only to the tourism industry but also to domestic tourists and foreign tourists so that there is no misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the Criminal Code.

"The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) assures all tourists who want to visit, not to hesitate to take a vacation and carry out tourism activities in Indonesia, that the constitution that applies in Indonesia will still guarantee private space for the public and all visiting tourists. Articles related to adultery and cohabitation (the subject of living in the same house without marriage ties) are also complaint offenses, so that in practice it does not directly have an impact on all visiting tourists," Sandiaga said.

Menparekraf Sandiaga said his party continues to strengthen coordination with relevant stakeholders to continue to socialize the new law which will be effective in 3 years, namely 2025. Especially for foreign tourist market countries, so that they do not hesitate to visit Indonesia.

"The hotel industry has been briefed and we will facilitate any potential misunderstandings. It is certain that the hotel will always guarantee the confidentiality of the data on tourists staying overnight," said Sandiaga.

"Tourists are expected not to hesitate to continue to visit to enjoy the natural beauty, cultural diversity and community friendliness. The tourism industry really respects personal things that are done responsibly," Sandiaga said.