Enjoying Being A Citizen Of Surabaya, Slow Service At The Hospital Immediately Received Compensation Of IDR 50 Thousand

SURABAYA - Dr Soewandhie Hospital and Bhakti Dharma Husada Hospital (BDH) are ready to implement a compensation policy of Rp. 50,000 to patients for service delays according to the specified duration of time.

Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi said that his party had evaluated the improvement of services at Dr Soewandhie Hospital Surabaya on Thursday (8/12). As a result, if there is a delay in service, the patient is given compensation of Rp. 50,000.

"We also ask that the poster with the words compensation of Rp. 50,000 is not only posted near the service counter, but can also be added in front of the pharmacy room. So that people will also be able to control it, I don't think so by waiting for the planned time," said Cak Eri, Eri's nickname. Eri Cahyadi in Surabaya.

The compensation money given to patients amounting to Rp50 thousand is a form of responsibility for hospital management. Compensation is given as compensation for management if the duration of service exceeds the specified time.

"Hopefully this will be a joint correction so that it will be faster, faster and faster. If I see that there are no queues because this is accelerating," he said, Friday, December 9, quoted from Antara.

In addition to evaluating the duration of service, Cak Eri also wants improvements in terms of registration. Because, he said, from the results of his review today, many of the patients who came onsite or directly and did not register first through the e-health application (online).

"If I come right away, I also ask that there be a clock number listed there. So we know what time the plan is to enter. I also want onsite and there are hours, so people know there is no slander, he (patients) come at that time," he said.

The next evaluation is related to improving the mechanism for patients who registered three months earlier. Although residents can register three months earlier to get services at Dr Soewandhie Hospital, their registration numbers are piled up with patients who have just registered.

"Well, this is what I ask for corrections, there must be hours. But Alhamdulillah, all of them (patients) we asked, even thanked Dr Soewandhie's hospital, because on an average one hour had gone home, including the medicine. This is what I hope for," he said.

Even so, Cak Eri also hopes that the management of Dr Soewandhie Hospital can further improve the comfort of the service room. This includes the comfort of the patient or his family while in the waiting room.

"I hope the position is more comfortable. So later I will ask for a waiting room to be given by television, including the police room to be given television," he said.

The speed of service at Dr. Soewandhie Hospital in Surabaya apparently received positive appreciation and response from residents. One of them is Mufidah Pohan who came to the hospital in the eastern Surabaya region to get health services.

The resident from Pecindilan, Kapasari Village, Genteng District, Surabaya City admitted that currently the service at Dr Soewandhie Hospital is faster than before. "I came yesterday (coming) at 09.00 WIB, I came home at 10.00 WIB, quickly. It's really good to be relieved," he said.

In addition to Soewandhie Hospital, the compensation policy was also implemented at Bhakti Dharma Husada Hospital (BDH), which is a hospital owned by the Surabaya City Government.