PSN MSME Opportunities to Increase Economy in North Kalimantan

TANA TIDUNG - The existence of the National Strategic Project (PSN) in North Kalimantan is a central issue of concern to House of Representatives (DPR) Commission VI member, Deddy Yevri Hanteru Sitorus.

The strategic projects are the International Port Industrial Area (KIPI), the Indonesian Green Industrial Zone (KIHI) in Tanah Kuning-Mangkupadi, East Tanjung Palas District, and the construction of the Peso Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) in Bulungan Regency.

The member of the DPR for the North Kalimantan electoral district asked that villages in North Kalimantan be able to explore their potential for improving the welfare of their people.

"The existence of this PSN can be our enthusiasm to develop MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises) in collaboration with PSN developers. For this reason, I hope that all parties, both from business actors and related agencies, can coordinate to resolve existing obstacles", he said, Wednesday, December 7.

The opportunities for MSME actors are quite large, especially since the PSN in North Kalimantan will absorb millions of workers.

"I hope that the Regional Government in North Kalimantan is serious about working on this, the supplies needed at KIPI, KIHI, and PLTA Peso and Mentarang (Malinau) are very large by involving local MSMEs so they are not brought in from outside the area", he said.

Apart from that, the PDI Perjuangan politician hopes that the local government can also establish a vocational education institution with a mapping carried out to find out the job positions that are included in these development priorities.

"Because the vocational training that will be carried out will be able to meet the needs of the PSN development priorities", he added.

Currently, according to him, the government through State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) is increasing cooperation with MSMEs throughout Indonesia.

"It is recorded that there are 61 million MSMEs that are supporters of national economic resilience, now this BUMN prioritizes its support, such as helping with the distribution or marketing of product supply and capital", he explained.

Banking was also assigned to help MSMEs, especially in the distribution of venture capital.

Facilitating MSME actors, including through training, infrastructure assistance, marketing, and capital.

However, he hopes that MSME actors must also meet predetermined business requirements such as business licenses, product certification, and others, to maximize their business.

"Many banks have helped MSME capital and whitewashed or postponed payment of MSME perpetrators' debts", he concluded.