Knowing The Characteristics Of Mixed Cat Types, Some Are Not Infrequently Consistent

YOGYAKARTA Types of mixed breed cats are generally called domestic cats. Meanwhile, in England, it is often called Moggy which has mysterious offspring because it is mixed and difficult to track down has what gen of the breed. Characteristically, they have a varied pattern of fur. Starting from tabby, calico, torstoiseshell, bicolor, or colorpoint. Apart from being recognized by coat pattern, they also have diverse eye colors, from gold, green, or blue.

Uniquely, this type of mixed breed cat can be up to 20 years old. Even more interesting, it does not have hypoalergies and the majority comes from the Middle East. Mixed breed cats can have short hair, smooth fur, patterned, or detailed BOB, depending on their lineage which is often difficult to track.

While having a varied physical sign, mixed breed cats also have a unique personality. They can be very shy and shy, usually the Russian blue breed. While friendly and attractive, Siamese breed cats.

This favorite cat, this type of mixture, can vary in size. Starting from the tiny one to the can weigh more than 7 kilograms. This depends on the genetics that dominates the cat's lineage. This domestic cat, reported The Spruce Pets, Sunday, December 4, has a rich history.

Cats are believed to have been tamed in the Middle East for the first time when humans developed agriculture. About 12,000 years ago to get rid ofANGes that attacked deposits of seeds. By Egyptians, cats are considered sacred and embedd with their owners. This was found in a 9,000-year-old cemetery on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus.

Domestic cats then spread throughout Europe, Asia and Africa. But unknown in America or Australia until European explorers took him. Cats, became part of a cruise journey and introduced cats to the New World.

Biologically, the breed of mixed breed cats is a cross between cats of two different races or more. Many pure breeds have been developed by breeding mixed breed cats with the desired specific character.

Basically, cats like to clean themselves and be thorough. They also need daily care, such as brushing their hair to reduce tangledness and prevent hairball, especially in long-haired cats. They also need to have their nails cut, have their teeth rubbed, and have an examination at a veterinary.

It is important to know that cats that live indoors or indoors have the longest life span. Meanwhile, the average outdoor cat is 3-10 years old. Because when outdoors, they are susceptible to infection, engage in fights with other cats, are attacked by predators, and may be hit by motorized vehicles.

Types of mixed breed cats are generally healthier than pure breeds because they are not susceptible to pure breed cat disease. Of course not 100 percent risk-free from health problems. However, it is necessary to ensure to get vaccinated prevents common and serious problems.