BNPT Said The Term Jihad Was Often Misinterpreted To Break The Nation

JAKARTA - The term jihad is often misinterpreted by people who deliberately want to break the unity of the nation. So it is necessary to detect early from the community.

"Along with time, the term jihad today is often misused by a handful of people to divide the nation itself," said BNPT Head Komjen Boy Rafli Amar in a written statement received in Jakarta, Thursday, December 1.

This was conveyed by the Head of BNPT while attending national dialogues between institutions throughout West Java as well as the inauguration of the West Java Coordinating Board for the Prevention of Terrorism and Radicalism with the theme "Strengthening Tolerance, Maintaining National Integration at the Al-Ishah Islamic Boarding School," Subang Regency.

Boy said people need to be vigilant, especially against individuals who spread negative narratives under the guise of jihad. The public needs to understand that jihad in the era of independence is different from today's jihad which was echoed by irresponsible people.

The former Papuan Police Chief explained that the group often spread various deviant narratives circulating in the real world and cyberspace and on behalf of religion.

To overcome this, he sees that prevention is necessary by building early detection by the community. This step is considered one of the keys to dealing with intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism in the country.

"I want to emphasize that the key to tackling intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism is not just law enforcement, but prevention efforts by building early detection, prevention power, and the basis for society together," he said.

On that occasion, Boy also mentioned the big role of the scholars and students until the establishment of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

In front of the students who attended, Boy said that National Santri Day was the state's recognition of the big contribution of the ulama and students in the struggle to build the foundations of Indonesia.

"This is an acknowledgment to the ulama and students for the hard work of the struggle to build the foundations of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

The involvement of the ulama and the students who became fighters during the independence period gave birth to recognition by the Government in producing the Fisabilillah Jihad Resolution against the invaders.

Meanwhile, the elder of the Al-Ishah Islamic Boarding School, KH Ushfuri Anshor, welcomed the presence of the Head of BNPT RI.

He hopes that through this gathering, it can prevent the entry of ideas that are contrary to Pancasila into the pesantren environment.

"I hope that their ideology of terrorism is not included in our area," hoped KH Ushfuri Anshor.