Getting To Know The Important Role Of Chia Seeds In Helping Maintaining Body Health

JAKARTA - Chia Seed is a seed from the Salvia hypanica plant which is usually two millimeters in size. Who would have thought that these small grains have many benefits for the body. Chia Seed turns out to contain omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, protein, iron and calcium which are high. What are the benefits of Chia Seed? Menaydur Healthline, Thursday, December 1, here are the reviews.

Chia Seed can also make you full faster. The role of Chia Seed is to help lose weight not to lose weight. Therefore, Chia seeds can help lose weight when balanced with a calorie deficit and exercise regularly.

The fiber contained in Chia Seed is dominated by soluble fiber which can help the digestive stage. Chia seed-like texture when exposed to liquid can also help moisture in the formation of feces to make it easier to remove.

Chia grains are high in fiber and omega-3 so consuming them can reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering total cholesterol and LDL in your blood. Several studies in humans have also found that chia seed supplements significantly reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension or high blood pressure, which is a strong risk factor for heart disease.

The alpha-linolenic acid content in chia seeds brings good benefits to bones. An observational study found that consuming this nutrient can also increase bone mineral density. Therefore, regular consumption of Chia seeds can help keep your bones strong.

Chia grains are also a very good source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are beneficial for human health by neutralizing reactive molecules known as free radicals. That can damage cell compounds if they accumulate in your body.