Minister Of Home Affairs Tito Reminded The Regional Government About Ease Of Investment: No More Slogans 'If It Can Be Made Difficult Why Make It Easier'

JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs Muhammad Tito Karnavian asked local governments not to make it difficult for investors to invest in the regions."Don't make it difficult. So, the old slogan 'if it can be complicated' is reversed to 'if it can be made easier, don't make it difficult," said Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, November 20.Tito asked the local government to create a system that is able to simplify the service process for the entry of investment. Ease is given not only to large investors, but also to medium, medium, small, and micro-scales.The Minister of Home Affairs explained that investment plays an important role in building the country's economic growth.Based on his records, Indonesia is included in the list of 10 countries with the largest economy with a value of IDR 60,000 trillion, and this amount is largely supported by the contribution of the private sector."Who are private sectors, investors, investors are who, domestic and foreign, that's what contributes much greater than the APBN and APBD, in total," he said.Tito hopes that regional heads will have a way of thinking to increase local revenue (PAD), one of which is through investors.With so many PADs, said Minister of Home Affairs Tito, the local government can still survive despite the economic shocks at the national and global levels."Well, I hope that ladies and gentlemen, including the Head of DPMPTSP (investment service and one-stop integrated services), all must support investment, without investment the area will never jump," said Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian.