Mama Bhabin's Hawker, PLN's Unique MSME Story At The Sahil Tidore 2022

TIDORE ISLANDS - Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) fostered by PT PLN (Persero) also appeared to enliven the 2022 Sail Tidore event, in Maluku Province. One of them, Mama Bhabin's snacks.

Mama Bhabin, the nickname of Norma Warni Ura, this 32-year-old young mother, is not an ordinary woman. She is a Bhabinkamtibmas.

The front guard of the police in the community, who innovates to mobilize women in the village or the country of Rutah, Amahai District, Central Maluku, to make a joint hawker business.

An interesting story was revealed by Mama Bhabin who is the Coordinator of this business group.

Starting from the Covid-19 moment to how PLN plays a role in increasing MSME turnover by up to 50 percent.

"My innovation is because I see human resources in the Rutah Country, on average they are hawkers," he said.

Norma said that he had long been a Bhabinkamtibmas, as he had always wanted to enter the police to be able to protect and protect the community.

When Covid-19 hit in 2020, he realized the potential for durian that was abundant in his village was not absorbed much by the market.

At Norma's initiative, she and several mothers also processed durian into a longer-lasting dodol hawker named Jajanan C19, referring to the name Covid-19.

Then Norma collects mothers who have hawker-making skills and helps them to create labels and attractive packaging.

For the deliberation of the mothers who were accompanied by her, their business names were changed to "Jajanan Mama Bhabin". According to them, this name is easier to remember, unique, and familiar to the people of Maluku who are close to the term mother or mother.

They created various snacks, ranging from banana chips, taro chips, cassava chips, impacted sago, to terompong or typical food made from sago from Maluku. This business also grew and became part of the BABENKA or Bhayangkara program to Help the Community Economy.

"It has been supported as a priority program for the Central Maluku Police, BABENKA or Bhayangkara to Help the Community Economy," he explained.

The initiative also continues to develop by preparing adequate production sites for women in their villages. Apparently, this business then received the attention of PLN which provided support of Rp 80 million in the form of engine support to electronic equipment.

"Thank God it has been effective in the production process, because the equipment also uses electricity," he said.

Thanks to the assistance and assistance from PLN, Jajanan Mama Bhabin finally has a better production capacity. After 5 months of running using better equipment, the previous production capacity was around 500 to 700 pcs of snacks per order, which increased to 2,500 pcs of snacks.

Ever we got the project up to 500 bags of production, each of which contained 5 packages. We agreed because we felt capable," he explained.

This development also, according to him, allows them to increase turnover by up to 50 percent from the beginning before getting PLN support.

Moreover, Mama Bhabin has succeeded in obtaining a Domestic Industry Food Production Certificate which makes the quality of their production more maintained.

"Alhamdulillah, our turnover has also continued to increase by 50 percent in the 5 months since the assistance was provided. We are very grateful, PLN also provides the opportunity to introduce our products more broadly," said Norma.

One of the two women's Bhabinkabtibmas at the Maluku Regional Police also admitted that they were happy to be able to contribute to the economic development of the people they served.

"I did that for the community. I also provide a production place for the community. Even after sharing the results, I didn't get anything," he explained.

Normas also hope that what they have initiated will develop even more widely with PLN support that always involves them in various events.

Especially for the moment of Sail Tidore 2022, he hopes that their efforts and enthusiasm will be increasingly recognized in Tidore and throughout the country.

Mama Bhabin's snacks have arrived there. My hope is that I will be able to be recognized in Tidore or the next event. So later, Mama Bhabin's snacks will also be known in Indonesia," he hoped.