Old Impressed, The AGO Is Ready To Supervision Of The NTB Provincial Government Asset Corruption Case In The Gili Trawangan Area

Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin paid attention to the settlement of corruption cases of assets belonging to the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government in the form of 65 hectares of land in the Gili Trawangan tourist area, North Lombok Regency."The Attorney General has received information from this case (the corruption of Gili Trawangan's assets). So, the Attorney General is committed to resolving this case," said Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) of the Attorney General's Office I Ketut Sumedana in Mataram, Antara, Tuesday, November 29.The Attorney General received information on the handling of the case when carrying out briefing activities to all levels of prosecutors at the NTB High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati). Sumedana said the latest information from investigators that the handling of this asset corruption case was currently underway at the investigation stage.If there are witnesses who do not want to fulfill the summons, the Attorney General ordered investigators to immediately send a forced summons. "Later, if it is still a long time (handling), we will supervise," he said.The Head of the NTB Prosecutor's Office, Sungarpin, in this case has issued an Investigation Order (Sprindik) Number: Print-02/N.2/Fd.1/02/2022, dated February 9, 2022.However, since the handling entered into the investigation, the examination of witnesses has only been carried out on October 25, 2022.The examination of this witness was previously revealed in accordance with the summons of a witness named Marwi issued by the West Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office Number: SP-1116/N.2.5/Fd.1/10/2022, dated October 21, 2022.In a letter signed by the Special Criminal Assistant for the NTB Attorney General's Office, Ely Rahmawati asked Marwi to appear before the investigation team, Ema Mulyawati, last Tuesday.The location of Marwi's examination as a written witness at the Pemenang Sector Police (Polsek) Office, North Lombok Regency.Previously, Marwi was confirmed by the prosecutor's examination that he occupied a land area of up to 3 are. He built a house and shop where the business is.The land that was listed as an asset of the NTB Provincial Government had been occupied since childhood. The reason he and his family occupied the land was because it used to be like a forest and no owner.He realized that the control of the land without any base of ownership was only armed with a Bonded Tax Notification Letter (SPPT) for his shop business.Sumedana suggested that the mass media continue to monitor developments in the handling of this case.He said that the Attorney General had asked the ranks in NTB to always convey the progress of handling this case to the mass media.Terkait hal itu, Asisten Pidana Khusus Kejati NTB Ely Rahmawati masih enggan memberikan keterangan perkembangan perkara tersebut. Ia menyarankan untuk langsung mendapat informasi perkembangan dari Kajati NTB Sungarpin."It's not my authority. Just ask the NTB Kajati," said Ely.The handling of this case is a follow-up to public reports that lead to allegations of illegal levies (extortion).This allegation is related to land that was previously included in the production contract agreement to utilize land management rights (HPL) belonging to the NTB Provincial Government.From the results of the investigation, it was revealed indications that the problem began to emerge in 1998, starting from the time PT GTI obtained a production contract agreement from the NTB Provincial Government.During this period, it was indicated that a number of parties took personal advantage. The allegation is related to massive and illegal land leases.For the latest conditions in the 65 hectare area, the Gili Trawangan area, there are permanent buildings, most of which are community business fields that support tourism.The prosecutor's office has mapped the situation on the land. This is in accordance with the results of the NTB Prosecutor's Office when carrying out its duties as a state attorney (JPN) in rescuing and issuing assets in the tourist area.This asset rescue effort is the government's hope to boost local revenue which has the potential to provide profits of up to trillions of rupiah.