Monitoring The Police's Kabareskrim Salaries, Komjen Agus Andrianto, Who Was Accused Of Receiving Rp6 Billion In Cash From Illegal Mines

YOGYAKARTA Some people may want to know the salary of the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, after he was accused of receiving IDR 6 billion from illegal mines.

The accusation came from a former member of the Samarinda Police, Ismail Bolong. He made a video statement that damaged the good image of the Police.

Launching VOI, Ismail admitted to depositing billions of rupiah in funds to Kabareskrim, Komjen Agus Andrianto. The funds came from illegal coal mining, he managed it in Santan Ulu, Marangkayu District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency.

After the video went viral on social media, Ismail withdrew his remarks. He said that he was forced by the former Head of the Propam Karo Paminal Division at the National Police Headquarters, Hendra Kurniawan, to make this confession.

On the other hand, Kabareskrim has dismissed allegations by Ismail Bolong. Komjen Agus said that Hendra Kurniawan and former Head of Propam Division Ferdy Sambo were case engineers.

Before reviewing the amount of salary received by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, you need to know the level of the police general. The reason is, the level of rank in the Bhayangkara Corps affects the amount of salary received.

At least, there are four levels of police generals, namely Police General, Commissioner General (Komjen), Inspector General (Irjen), and Police Brigadier General (Brigjen Pol).

Police salaries are regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 17 of 2019 concerning the Second Amendment to Government Regulation Number 29 of 2001 concerning Salaries Regulations for Members of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia.

In the PP, a 3-star police general or the rank of Komjen with the position of Kabareskrim, is entitled to a minimum basic salary of IDR 5,079,300 per month and a maximum of IDR 5,930,800.

In addition to getting the basic salary, the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police also received a performance visit (tukin). This allowance was given by the government with the aim that Polri members do not practice corruption, collusion, and nepotism.

Based on Presidential Decree No. 103 of 2018 concerning Employee Performance Allowances within the Indonesian National Police, a Komjen who serves as Kabareskrim, is in the 17th position class, so he is entitled to receive a performance allowance of IDR 29.085,000 per month.

Thus, the total basic salary plus performance allowance that will be received by Kabareskrim is IDR 34,164,000 to IDR 35,015,800 per month.

The performance allowance received by Kabareskrim is the same as other strategic positions of the National Police, such as Kabaintelkam, Kabarharkam, Kalemdikpol, Asops Kapolri, Asrena Kapolri AS SDM Kapolri, and Aassarpras Kapolri.

The amount of performance allowance received by Kabareskrim was only defeated by the National Police Chief and Deputy Chief of Police.

The number of tukins that Deputy Chief of the Republic of Indonesia has earned is IDR 34,902,000. Meanwhile, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo received a 150 percent allowance from the highest touin within the scope of the National Police.

In more detail, the following are police hatchlings according to Presidential Decree No. 103/2018:

In addition to getting a performance allowance, the Police General also gets other attached allowances. However, the amount is relatively smaller than the performance allowance

Several kinds of allowances attached to the Police General:

In addition to getting salaries and various benefits, the 3rd-star National Police General also still gets various state-funded facilities, such as official houses to personal aides.

This is information regarding the salary of the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto.