Kimia Farma Strengthens Partnerships With MSMEs To Enter The Global Supply Chain

JAKARTA - Kimia Farma through the Small and Medium Enterprises Partnership Forum (UKM)/Small Medium Industry (IKM) with BUMN and Large Enterprises establishes partnerships with the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs aimed at encouraging the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to advance to class and be able to penetrate the global supply chain. A total of 17 State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and large companies participate in this UKM/IKM Partnership Forum. Kimia Farma also includes four MSME fostered partners including Araya Healthy, Facilities Herbal, CV Tri Utami Jaya, and CV Fragrande Kreasi Alami. Almost 100 MSMEs are enthusiastic about conducting consultations with Kimia Farma in order to enter the supply chain of Kimia Farma. "Currently, the development of marketing partnerships for MSME products with Kimia Farma has been facilitated to reach 40 MSMEs and the majority comes from health fields, especially herbs and spas," said Director of Production and Supply Chain of PT Kimia Farma Tbk Andi Prazos in a statement in Jakarta, Saturday, November 26. Andi also said that the partnership is a form of synergy between MSMEs and Kimia Farma so that MSMEs can grow and expand their market. In order to empower MSME players, some time ago, Kimia Farma also held the MSME Academy 3.0 program.

UMKM Academy 3.0 is an MSME mentoring program that focuses on efforts to increase competitiveness with the MSME managerial aspect approach carried out intensively and sustainably, involving professional MSME mentors. This program is one form of the company's commitment in line with the target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 8 which is to provide decent work and economic improvement. MSME Academy has been implemented since 2020 with a total number of participants for three years reaching 120 fostered partners and producing 16 MSMEs to advance class from the aspect of increasing turnover, increasing production capacity, as well as providing limited company legality facilities (PT), Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV), licensing BPOM and Halal MUI.