OJK Assessments For The Implementation Of Anti-Bribery Management Systems In All Financial Services Sectors

Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Mahendra Siregar said he was in the stage of reviewing the implementation of the Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) which would be implemented in all financial services industries supervised by the OJK.

"SMAP is expected to serve as a guideline for the financial services industry to identify, detect, and prevent bribery which is the cause of the high number of corruption cases in Indonesia," Mahendra said in a webinar Women Inspired Strengthen Anti-Corruption' quoted by Antara, Friday, November 25.

According to him, eradicating corruption in both agencies and ministries or government agencies requires the collaboration of all parties.

Based on Indonesia's international transparency data, Indonesia's corruption perception index (CPI) has increased from 37 in 2020 to 38 in 2021.

This increase is supported by a significant improvement in the mitigation of corruption risks faced by business actors in the economic sector, especially in imported export areas, supporting equipment, tax payments, as well as contracts and permits.

"In addition, there are economic policy packages and the issuance of the Job Creation Law which provides concessions for the licensing process to open and conduct businesses that can be done without having to meet face to face and with a very simple process," he said.

The OJK also supports the eradication of corruption by realizing credible organizational governance as realized from an increase in the survey value of integrity areas from 78.84 in 2018 to 85.47 in 2020.

The increase puts OJK at number 17 of the 640 ministries and institutions surveyed. We hope that by 2022, OJK can be in the top 10 in Indonesia," he said.

For this reason, OJK takes various steps, such as signing an integrity pact, making State Administrators Wealth Reports (LHKN), and implementing SMAP.

"As well as in the context of taking action against perpetrators of anti-corruption or internal fraud by OJK, OJK conducts reporting through a whistle blowing system and investigative audit," he said.