Bukan Pemprov DKI, Akun Medsos Bangka Belitung Dipilih Jadi Yang Terbaik

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information for the Bangka Belitung (Babel) Provincial Government as the best local government in Indonesia because it shows creativity in disseminating information. The Babel Provincial Government received the 2022 Public Relations Media Award (AMH) for the category "Social Media of Provincial Governments".

The award was received directly by Ria Yohana, Sub-Coordinator of Public Communication and Diskominfo Partnership Babel, who was present on the awarding night at the Yogyakarta Grand Ballroom Kraton Mariott Hotel, Thursday, November 24 evening.

The Acting Head of IKP's IKP Babel Diskominfo Listya Anindita mentioned this sweet score as a manifestation of all the efforts, hard work, struggles, and challenges faced in the framework of teamwork.

"I dedicate the first good social media throughout Indonesia to the IKP team that never stops being creative, and never gets tired of conveying information to the public or the public, and this is proof of the achievement of the IKP team's super team," he said as quoted from the provincial government's official website.

He acknowledged the happiness felt by the entire IKP team at the moment as the spearhead of the Bangka Belitung Provincial Government's social media manager. The IKP Division also agreed to dedicate this achievement as a gift for the 22nd Anniversary of Babel, which was commemorated on November 21.

"We all thank Allah SWT. For His will this gift was achieved. This is pride for all of us, the pride of the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands, and this is a gift of the 22nd Anniversary of Babel, a province that is still new, a small population, but able to beat other major provinces," he said.

In this social media category, Babel is the best by defeating other nominees, namely the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and DI Yogyakarta. Another extraordinary achievement that has been inscribed. Babelprov.go.id as the official website of the Babel Provincial Government is included in the top 6 of the 2022 AMH Award for the website category.

This achievement is not done in a short time. According to Listya, his party maximizes existing human resources (HR) to manage social media with concepts, as well as a detailed analysis of any information that will become the consumption of the wider community.

"We make sure that information contained on Instagram, as well as on TikTok and other social media is good for listeners and readers. Everyone must contain informative messages, and educate. This also embeds what information is needed through the use of this growing world of technology," he said.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G. Plate expressed his appreciation to all the winners. This award, he said, is a form of appreciation for the results of the hard work of government public relations, especially related to public communication at the 2022 G20 Indonesia Presidency, as well as in order to improve the quality of public communication of the government.

"In the future, let's continue to improve capabilities, and utilize technology, as well as new media (new media) to answer the challenges of public relations in the digital era in order to make Indonesia connected, more digital, more advanced," he said.

In AMH 2022, there are six categories of public media contested, namely press releases (online media), social media, the issuance of internal media (inhouse magazine), public communication campaigns, websites, and visual audio media.

The event which raised the theme The spirit of Public Relations for Indonesia Recovers Stronger, Rises Stronger involved 6 judges, namely the Editor-in-Chief of Kompas.com Wisnu Nugroho as the Online Media Press Broadcast Jury, the Chief Editor of the coils.com Arifin Asyhdad as the Website Jury, the Head of the Tempo Budi Setyarso News as the Internal Media Issuance Jury (inhouse magazine), the Head of the LPPSP FISIP University of Indonesia (UI) Ummi Salamah as the Jury of Public Communication Campaigns, the Editor-in-Chief of CNN Indonesia Titin Rosmasari as the Visual Audio Media Jury, and the Social Media Practitioner Wicaksono Ndoro Kakung as the Social Media Jury.