Decision Not To Handcuff 4 FPI Army Soldiers Which Resulted In Deadly Shots

JAKARTA - The police and the FPI special laskar were chasing each other until they ended up exchanging gunshots at the Cikampek toll road. Everything is reflected in the reconstruction of the shooting of the FPI special guard who was guarding Rizieq Shihab on the Cikampek toll road. As we know, six out of 10 FPI special laskar were shot dead by officers.

Inside the Rest Area KM 50 Tol Jakarta-Cikampek, there are four special FPI paramilitary troops brought by the police using Daihatsu Xenia. Two more members of the FPI special laskar who were injured were taken in separate cars by the police.

In the Xenia car, the four members of the FPI special laskar were assigned to different positions. Three people were placed at the back of the car. One more person in the middle with a policeman. The note is that none of them were handcuffed.

In fact, these four people were previously involved in action like an action film with the police. Passing each other, chasing on the toll road until exchanging fire. But when the FPI paramilitary troops were taken in the car, they were not handcuffed at all.

"This is very strange, when Rizieq himself was taken to the detention cell at Polda Metro Jaya, his hands were handcuffed by the authorities. Why were the four FPI members who had just finished shooting with the police not handcuffed when they were put in the police car?" said Neta.

Neta considered the police effort to put the four FPI members who had just finished shooting with the police into a police car with a capacity of eight people, which was also filled with police officers, as an absurd act.

"It is clear that the police apparatus violated the SOP which caused the four FPI members to die in one car. From the explanation of the Head of the Police Public Relations Division, it can be seen how careless the police officer was," he said.

The shooting reconstruction of the FPI special army

As previously reported, the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Bareskrim) has held a reconstruction of the shooting incident of six special laskar for Rizieq Shihab's guard on the Jakarta-Cikampek KM 50 toll road.

The reconstruction was held Monday, December 14 in the morning. The reconstruction of this shooting was carried out at a different location. The clock was chosen at midnight to describe what happened.

At the first location, on Jalan International Karawang Barat, in front of the Novotel Hotel, at least nine scenes were exhibited. This scene reconstruction depicts the beginning of the clash between the police and Rizieq Shihab's special laskar.

At the beginning of the incident, several police officers who were in a silver Toyota Avanza were blocked by two army cars, namely a silver Avanza and a gray Chevrolet Spin. Then, one of the cars carrying the army crashed into a police car. Furthermore, the car immediately stepped on the gas to escape.

Furthermore, another paramilitary car, namely, the Chevrolet Spin, immediately intercepted a police car. Four members of the army immediately got out of the car. Those carrying sharp weapons then attacked the officer's car. Several times the four members of the laskar hit their guns at the police car.

Officers fired warning shots. With this warning shot, the four members of the army, who had previously carried out the attack, returned to their car. But the two laskar who were previously only in the car got out and shot the police car three times. So, the police returned the shots. But the two soldiers immediately got back into the Chevrolet car. Then they fled.

The second part

The second part is on the Badami Bridge. Here, there are at least four scenes that were demonstrated.

This section shows the Chevrolet Spin carrying six members of the army, being overtaken by an officer car from the left side. Here a laskar is said to have shot at the police. The shooting was carried out by opening the glass and pointing a gun at one of the officers in the car.

"When we were together because Officer C saw the perpetrator (Laskar) shoot one, Officer C returned the shots at the perpetrator," said the officer.

Then, two police officers, officers C and A who were seated in the middle seat, fired back fire. The gunfire stopped when the police car slowed down.

The shooting occurred again when the police car began to approach the car of the soldiers from the right side. Officer B at that time shot the Chevrolet car driven by the soldiers.

"Then the perpetrator's Chevrolet car opened the glass and pointed a gun at the officer. Officers B and C fired at the perpetrator," said the officer.

The shooting at each other and the chasing that occurred again stopped, because the officer's car was blocked by a passing truck and left far from the cars of the soldiers.

Third part

The scene continues to the third location, namely the Rest Area KM 50 Tol Jakarta-Cikampek. The car driven by the army initially entered the rest area. But it is not known what their purpose there is.

It's just that, when they were about to get out their car was blocked by another car. So, the officers succeeded in chasing the laskar.

At that time, the police surrounded the car filled with the FPI Special Troops. They asked four members of the army to get out of the car and get down. Meanwhile, two other members of the laskar were injured by gunfire.

Then, the officers searched the car. Police said the officers managed to find firearms, sickles, wooden sticks and catapults. So, the four laskar and the butki goods were put into the officer's car.

Director of General Crimes (Dirtipidum) Bareskrim Polri Brig. Gen. Andi Rian said two laskar were shot when officers fired back at the previous location.

"Once blocked (intercepted), it was found that two of the perpetrators were injured," said Brigadier General Andi.

The two injured soldiers were then taken in a Toyota Avanza car belonging to the officer. Meanwhile, 4 other special laskar were taken using the Daihatsu Xenia car belonging to another officer who arrived at the rest area to help the officers.

The fourth part

The last location in the reconstruction is the Jakarta-Cikampek KM 51 + 200 toll road. From the re-enactment of the scene, it was found that four special FPI paramilitary troops who were brought in using Daihatsu Xenia were shot by the police for trying to seize the officers' weapons.

"I try to explain that TKP 4 is a continuation of what happened at TKP 3 (rest area km 50). The scene at TKP 3, four perpetrators who were still alive were secured into a car with the aim of being taken by investigators to Polda Metro Jaya," said Brig. Andi.

Andi said the four members of the laskar were assigned different positions. Three at the back and one in the middle. But they weren't all handcuffed.

With that condition, the paramilitary troops fought back. They tried to grab the officer's weapon. So that finally ended with a decision to take decisive action.

"There was an attempt to seize a member 's weapon from the perpetrator in the car. So that the four perpetrators in the car experienced decisive and measured action from the existing members. After the incident was apparently in a wounded condition, he was immediately taken to Kramat Jati Hospital, Police," he said.

Police explanation

Bareskrim Polri explained why they did not handcuff four members of the FPI special laskar who were guarding Rizieq Shihab who had been arrested and put in a police car. The team carrying four FPI laskar did indeed have the status of a reconnaissance team, not being prepared for arrest.

"Why did he (four laskar) not be handcuffed because the team that participated in this was not a team to appoint a surveillance team to observe. They were not prepared to arrest them. However, if they received an attack, they were ready," said the Director of General Crime (Dirtipidum) Bareskrim. Police Brigadier General Andi Rian.

"Two suspects or two perpetrators, one of whom tried to seize a member from behind. And in addition to trying to seize (weapons), it is no longer possible to use talk," said Andi.