Bank Indonesia Explores Cooperation in the Fisheries Sector in Natuna

JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) together with the Natuna Regency Government of the Riau Archipelago Province are exploring cooperation in the fisheries and agriculture sectors to generate economic growth for the local community.

"BI continues to boost the economy of Natuna Regency through a marine product cultivation program and the development of the agricultural sector," said Deputy Director - Head of BI Representative Office for the Riau Islands Province Musni Hardi Atmaja after conducting a review of the Ranai Fish Market in Ranai, Natuna, Riau Islands, quoted from Antara, Wednesday November 23.

He conveyed that BI had visited Sedanau Island and South Bunguran District to see first-hand the business of growing napolion fish and the chili gardens of residents in the area.

"What BI can do is, of course, work with local governments on how to develop development programs that can stimulate people's economic movements," he said.

He gave an example of a program that is currently possible, namely the establishment of a village cooperative and financial assistance from the People's Business Credit (KUR) in the development of community businesses in the area.

He also said that in the series of working visits, various activities were carried out to explore the economic potential of the people in the area.

"One of them visited the Ranai Market to check the availability of food ingredients, and ensure the reasonableness of basic food prices and then proceed with a dialogue with market traders regarding the problems and complaints experienced both in the sales process and market facilities," he said

According to him, this is part of BI's efforts to ensure the adequacy of food commodities in Natuna Regency.

"From the results of today's inspection we still see the stability of food in the Ranai market, in general prices are still stable, there are some vegetables whose prices have increased but not significantly," he said.

He suggested that it is necessary to anticipate the supply of polythene in the northern monsoon because there will be problems with sea transportation and also difficulties in catching fish by local fishermen.

"So this should be the government's concern so as not to become a shortage of food and increase prices," said Musni Hardi.

On this occasion, Bank Indonesia in parallel, in collaboration with Bank Riau Riau Ripri, opened mobile cash to exchange money around the Ranai Market.

The local government welcomes the agenda and programs that have been carried out by BI and will be a reference for the relevant agencies to develop work activities in the economic sector.

"We continue to encourage the relevant agencies to monitor and ensure the availability of food and maintain price stability," said the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Natuna Regency, Boy Wijanarko.