Get Trust From BPKH To Focus On Hajj And Umrah Ecosystems, Bank Muamalat Jalin Cooperation With Patuna Travel

PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk has reached an agreement with PT Patuna Mekar Jaya (Patuna Travel) regarding the distribution of special Hajj and Umrah financing products.

Bank Muamalat President Director Achmad Permana said this step was a mandate from the main shareholder, namely the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH), in optimizing the customer's departure sector to the Holy Land.

We have a mandate from BPKH to focus more on the hajj and Umrah ecosystem. As the first purely sharia bank, of course, we will maximize business potential in that segment. One of them is through Hajj products plus in collaboration with the leading special Hajj Organizing company (PIHK) in the country," he said in Jakarta on Tuesday, November 22.

According to Permana, with the position of BPKH as holding the majority stake, Bank Muamalat will indirectly benefit the company will return to the pilgrims. He said, the financing service for special Hajj management from Bank Muamalat provides convenience for the community to register for Hajj faster without having to save longer.

"In addition to Hajj plus Bank Muamalat, it also launched Umrah financing in collaboration with selected travel companies," he said.

For information, since October 2021, the Government of Saudi Arabia has officially allowed the implementation of Umrah for pilgrims from Indonesia in line with the rate of development of COVID-19 in Indonesia which continues to improve. This was followed by the reopening of the pilgrimage for people from outside the kingdom in 2022. Meanwhile, Bank Muamalat currently controls 42 percent of the plus hajj market share.