Here's The Process Of Earthquakes: Watch Out! Indonesia Passed By An Earthquake

The earthquake is caused by a sudden slip in error. The process of an earthquake is that the tectonic plate always moves slowly, but gets stuck on the edge due to friction. When the pressure on the edge overcomes friction, an earthquake occurs that releases energy in the form of waves that propagate through the earth's crust and causes the vibrations we feel.

In California there are two plates - the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. The Pacific Plate consists of most of the bases of the Pacific Ocean and the California coastline. The North American Plate consists of most of the North American Continent and part of the Atlantic Ocean. The main boundaries between these two plates are the Patent of San Andreas. The San Andreas break has a length of more than 650 miles and extends to a depth of at least 10 miles. Many other smaller faults such as Hayward (North California) and San Jacinto (South California) branched from and joined the San Andreas Patential Zone.

The Pacific Plate rolls into the northwest past the North American Plate at a speed of about two inches per year. Part of the Patent San Andreas system adapts to this movement with a constant "reflecting" which results in many small shocks and some moderate Earth vibrations. In other areas where creep is not constant, strains can accumulate for hundreds of years, resulting in a great earthquake when it finally releases.

4 stages of the earthquake?

The earthquake cycle consists of pre-seismic, inter-seismic, co-seismic, and post-seismic deformation phases.

How is the process of the earthquake shaking?

The earthquake began in the hypocenter, and from there the front of the crack moved along the fracture, producing waves all the time while moving. Every point crossed by the front of the crack emits vibrations, resulting in a larger earthquake with a longer duration.

Part of the Earthquake

There are three main parts of the earthquake: focus, or origin of the event; seismic waves; and fault where the earthquake occurred.

What are earthquakes and their impacts?

Earthquakes are the shock of the earth's surface due to sudden release of energy in the earth's crust. As a result, seismic waves (also known as S waves) were created. Seismic activity in an area determines the type and intensity of the earthquake.

What are the 7 impacts of the earthquake?

The main effects of earthquakes are soil shaking, soil bursts, landslides, tsunamis, and liquefaction. The fire may be the secondary effect most important of the earthquake.

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