The Appearance Of V BTS Arrived At Incheon Airport, Netizen Care Act.

JAKARTA - For the umpteenth time, the arrival of Kim Taehyung or V BTS at Incheon Airport became a conversation among netizens, especially ARMY (fandom from BTS).

After completing his solo activities in Paris, France, V is known to have arrived at Incheon Airport, Seoul on Sunday, November 20 at around 18.00 KST or 16.00 WIB.

As usual, V's arrival at the airport was greeted by ARMYs and reporters. However, the situation at the airport seemed to be in poor condition, so V had to make a message in his Insta Story upload.

"No ARMY or reporters are injured, right? I'm always worried every time I enter this country. It feels good and I like to see ARMY, but at the same time seeing you fall and collide makes my heart hurt. From now on, it will be nice to meet again without anyone hurt," V wrote in his Insta Story on Sunday, November 20.

This is not new, every time BTS arrives, especially V in Seoul from its overseas activities, the airport is often filled by ARMYs who want to see the idol firsthand.

However, beyond that, V's appearance when he arrived at Incheon Airport became the attention of netizens. With casual clothes and carrying a bag in his left hand, the accessories worn by V became a special attraction.

Wearing a mask that covered part of the face and sunglasses, V wore a head covering almost all of his head.

Many of the netizens who commented on the accessories worn by the idol made themselves similar to a bear. Bear ( bear) itself is one of the nicknames commonly intended for V.

"I really like the style. Welcome to Taehyung's house," wrote @mi_casa_19.

"What else is this style, huh," said @erikaagustina53.

Baby bear ( bear baby) landed safely and we can't wait to see what's going on," said @bangtan.daily.

My teddy bear. Good rest Taehyung," wrote @inikantaurus92.