For Almost A Week, The Husband Of The Victim Of Death Has Been Dragged By The NTT Kupang Flood Flow Has Not Been Found

The joint SAR team is still looking for Atrohanis Malapu (40), the husband of Theresia Teti (40), a victim who died as a result of being dragged into flood water in West Fatuleu District. Atrohanis is still missing.

"The search process is still being carried out at the scene and the information we have found is that the victim has not been found," said Head of the Kupang Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Semmy Tinenti when contacted Thursday, November 17.

Semmy said that the needs of the families of the victims who died due to the flood had been given by BPBD.

The distribution of emergency relief was also channeled to other flood victims that hit Kalale Village, West Fatuleu District, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

"We have distributed emergency response assistance for flood victims in Kalale Village, especially since the flood incident there caused casualties," said Semmy.

Theresia Teti and her husband Atrohanis Malapu were dragged by flood water while crossing the Bainel River, West Fatuleu District on Monday night, November 14.

The joint SAR team received a report directly to the scene and arrived at 22.00 WITA.

After coordinating with the victim's family regarding the chronology of the incident, the SAR team found that Theresia Teti was found by local residents on Monday, November 14 evening.

However, until now, Atrohanis' body has still been declared missing and has not been found.