Looking For Creative People, Holding Perkebunan Nusantara Holds The Grand Final Planters Innovation Summit 2022

JAKARTA - The 2022 Planters Innovation Summit (PIS) held by the Nusantara Plantation Holding PTPN III (Persero) has entered the final round. The plan is that the annual panel judgment and inauguration event will be held in Jakarta on November 24, 2022. Through this event, creative and innovative people are expected to produce.

In this final stage, nine participants consisting of the three best innovation works in each category, will again present their work. Apart from the jury, they will also be judged directly by the Board of Directors of PTPN Holding with assessment criteria, including problem analysis, strategic approach (enhanced productivity, sustainability mindset, cost efficiency), application of innovation, innovation impact, and ease of implementation of sustainable innovation.

"We hope that later we will choose innovation works that can really be a solution, and be able to have a positive impact on issues according to their respective categories, namely business strategy, social innovations, and technology breakthrough," said Director of Human Resources (HR) Holding Perkebunan Nusantara PTPN III (Persero), Seger Budiarjo, in Jakarta, Tuesday 15 November.

In general, continued Seger, the nine participants who entered the final judgment each had good innovation ideas. However, the works that will be chosen as winners are innovations that can really be implemented within the PTPN Group. As our goal, that this event is not just ceremonial, but how can we encourage PTPN Group people to continue working and complement existing innovations to support the company's performance," he said.

The Plants Innovation Summit competition is an initiation of the Young Plantation SOE, a forum for the younger generation of PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero) to unite ideas, develop potential, and succeed the program of the Minister of SOEs, Erick Tohir.

The chairman of the Young Plantation SOE, Benny Wijaya, said, as Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir often conveyed on several occasions, that young people are future assets that must always be maintained and fostered in order to produce leaders' talents within SOEs. "It is hoped that this kind of innovation competition can foster an innovation culture in the work environment of PTPN Group and in the future it can have a positive impact on the company's performance which is even greater," he said.

Benny said that the 2022 Plants Innovation Summit was attended by all companies within PTPN Group, starting from PTPN I, PTPN II, PTPN III to PTPN XIV, as well as non-PTPN subsidiaries. "This competition is one way so that PTPN Group can continue to grow and develop according to the times," he added.