2 Days Today 230 Rohingya Refugees Have Confiscated In Aceh, Komnas HAM Asks The Regional Government To Fulfill Basic Rights

The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Representative of Aceh asked local governments, both provinces and districts to continue to provide basic rights to hundreds of Rohingya refugees who were stranded again in Tanah Rencong."We still have to accept them (the Rohingya refugees) well, provide basic services and needs as long as they are stranded in our area," said Komnas HAM Human Rights Enforcement Function Coordinator Aceh Mulia Robby Manurung in Banda Aceh, Antara, Wednesday, November 16.Since Tuesday until today, Aceh has been gradually visited by Rohingya refugees and so far there are approximately 230 of them.In detail, as many as 111 Rohingya immigrants were stranded on the coast of Meunasah Lhok Village, Muara Batu District, North Aceh Regency.The Rohingya immigrants consisted of 73 adult men and 32 adult women, five children, and a toddler. Currently, they are being accommodated in Meunasah Lhok Village while waiting for further treatment.Then this Wednesday at around 05.30 WIB, 119 Rohingya immigrants were stranded on the coast of Bluka Teubai Village, Dewantara District, North Aceh Regency. They consist of 61 adult men, 36 adult women, 12 boys and 10 girls.The North Aceh Regency Government is coordinating with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Lhokseumawe Immigration Office for further handling of the Rohingya refugees.Komnas HAM Aceh reminded that the handling of Rohingya refugees must still use the mechanism that has been applied. This means that they must get their rights as refugees.Robby explained that Indonesia as a country that has Presidential Regulation Number 125 of 2016 concerning the Handling of Refugees from abroad has become the government's obligation to provide services to Rohingya refugees while waiting for third-party countries to be facilitated by UNHCR."So as a country that is visited, we must give them basic rights, such as food, temporary shelters and other basic needs. We must not refuse them," said Robby.Meanwhile, the Head of the Aceh Human Rights Commission, Sepriady Utama, emphasized that his party paid attention to the Rohingya refugees, both monitoring, coordinating with the center, and immediately making field visits."Komnas HAM Aceh will continue to monitor and coordinate with stakeholders and related parties to monitor the handling of Rohingya refugees," said Sepriady.