Here Are The Terms And Procedures For The Establishment Of Cooperatives In Indonesia

YOGYAKARTA Cooperatives are business entities that can support the people's economy. The existence of cooperatives can improve the community's economy by providing business credit. So, how do you establish cooperatives?

According to Law Number 25 of 1992 concerning Cooperatives, cooperatives are defined as a business entity consisting of a group of people whose activities are based on cooperative principles as well as a populist economic movement based on kinship.

Quoted by VOI from the official website of the Central Statistics Agency, the number of active cooperatives in Indonesia in 2021 is 127,846. This figure increased from the previous year, which was 127,124.

In 2021, cooperatives will contribute 5.1 percent of national GDP. This year, cooperatives against national GDP are expected to increase to 5.5 percent.

According to Law Number 25 of 1992, cooperatives are distinguished by type of business, membership and level.

In Article 15 of the Law, the types of cooperatives based on their levels include:

Meanwhile, the type of cooperative based on its membership is:

The types of cooperatives based on the type of business are:

Requirements for the Establishment of Cooperatives in Indonesia

The requirements for establishing cooperatives are regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Number 9 of 2018 concerning the Implementation and Development of Cooperatives.

In Article 10 of the Ministerial Regulation, the requirements for establishing cooperatives include:

The founders or founders' attorneys submitted a request for ratification of the deed of establishment of cooperatives in writing and/or electronically to the Minister by attaching:

For the minutes, the following documents must be completed:

Especially for secondary cooperatives, documents such as:

Stages and Procedures for the Establishment of Cooperatives

In the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Number 9 of 2018, it is stated that the stages of establishing cooperatives include:

That is information about the procedures for establishing cooperatives. May it be useful!