Overcoming The Release Of Financial Performance Reports, BRI Akui Tengah Prepares Corporate Actions

JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI) has released its financial performance report for the third quarter of 2022. In its report, BRI managed to record a 103 percent increase in consolidated net profit to IDR 39.15 trillion compared to the same period last year of IDR 19.25 trillion.

BRI President Director Sunarso in a press conference admitted that BRI was indeed late in releasing financial performance reports in the third quarter because there was a limited review by BRI auditors.

"Why is it late? Because there is a limited review from the auditor. Is it because the profit is big? No, how come the profit is quite IDR 39.3 trillion, growing 106 percent. Our profit is not spectacular but it's enough. But the reason is because there is indeed a limited review," he explained at a press conference, Wednesday, November 16.

Menimpal pernyataan Sunarso, Direktur Keuangan BRI Viviana Dyah Ayu Retno menyatakan memang ada limited review oleh auditor karena BRI akan melakukan aksi korporasi dalam waktu dekat.

"Indeed, there is a limited review conducted by our KAP and of course this is part of BRI's corporate action plan," he said briefly.

However, Viviana was reluctant to specify what corporate action would be taken because it was still being discussed internally.

"Because the name is also a corporate action, this is also still in the internal process and we cannot convey it yet," concluded Viviana.