3 Palak Ormas Implementing Tens Of Millions Of Projects, Arrested While Transaction

TANGERANG - Three unscrupulous community organizations (ormas) were arrested for extortion by workers for the Dadap Bridge renovation project, Kosambi District. Tangerang City Metro Police Chief Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho said the perpetrators numbered three people, namely RAW (37), AD (47) and MY (50), came to intimidate employees.

"The perpetrator came and asked to stop the project work, under the pretext of asking for a security money shortage of Rp. 12 million from the total requested amounting to Rp. 22 million. CV. RJP as the executor of the project felt threatened and harmed by the person's actions, then reported the incident to the Tangerang City Metro Police," Zain said in his statement, Sunday, November 12.

The police chief revealed that the arrests were made by his members at the Saung Ibu Restaurant, Teluknaga, Tangerang Regency. At that time, there was no evidence of money requested by the perpetrators.

"We secured 10 million rupiahs, 3 cellphones, a conversation between the victim and the perpetrators along with 3 motorcycles belonging to the perpetrator," said Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho.

According to him, the actions of these perpetrators are acts of thuggery and are one of the priority cases of the National Police Chief to eradicate, this case of thuggery is very disturbing to the public.

"This mass organization should support the acceleration of development activities carried out by the government, not instead of stopping, threatening and extorting the implementers of development projects," he said.

The three perpetrators have now been detained at the Tangerang City Metro Police detention center for further investigation. They face Article 368 of the Criminal Code concerning extortion, with a maximum imprisonment of 9 years in prison.