The Ministry Of Trade Will Involve BUMN Imports, Bibit Ayam Petelur

JAKARTA - Plt. The Director General of Domestic Trade Syailendra emphasized that the welfare of chicken egg breeders is one of the main focuses of the government. Therefore, the government will stand with chicken egg breeders and will always fight for people's breeders not to suffer losses.

Furthermore, Syailendra emphasized that although the welfare of farmers is the focus of the government, the government also does not rule out consumer welfare.

"The Ministry of Trade together with Bapanas and other ministries are tasked with helping people's breeders not to suffer losses, so that farmers are enthusiastic about producing in sufficient quantities, especially in the midst of the threat of a global food crisis," Syailendra said in an official statement, Friday, November 11.

According to Syailendra, the national broiler egg industry cannot stand alone, but also requires the participation of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) as an equalizer. Currently, farmers are still very dependent on private companies in providing production input raw materials.

"For this reason, the Government will present SOEs to control laying hens through the provision of special import allocations to SOEs. This is expected to provide easier access for people's breeders," he said.

Syailendra explained that one of the tasks mandated by President Joko Widodo to the Ministry of Trade is to maintain the stability of prices for basic goods.

"To carry out this mandate, the Ministry of Trade needs to join hands with all business actors from upstream to downstream, one of which is with egg breeders who are present at this event," he said.

The Ministry of Trade, continued Syailendra, has taken one concrete step to maintain the stability of chicken eggs, namely through a reference policy for broiler eggs, both at the consumer level and at the farmer level.

In addition, said Syailendra, the Ministry of Trade is also synergizing with Badanas to accommodate the suggestions and proposals of farmers in calculating the determination of a reasonable reference price policy.

"Farmers are also expected to be able to support the Government in providing chicken eggs as an affordable source of protein for the community," added Syailendra.

Based on data obtained from Pinsar Indonesia, the national average price of broiler eggs at the farmer level per first week of November is IDR 23.950 per kg. This price is still in the Government reference price range which has been stipulated in the Bapanas Regulation No. 5 of 2022 amounting to IDR 22.000-IDR 24.000 per kg.