Three-wheel Cement Producers Build Green Economics Foundations

JAKARTA - Slowly but surely, the green economy, which has become a global policy trend, has begun to penetrate various levels in Indonesia. This is in line with the government's target to achieve net zero emissions by 2060.

The industrial sector is also committed to supporting the government's wishes. Big companies are no exception.

One of them is PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. The Tiga Roda cement producer from the HeidelbergCement Group emphasized its commitment to green development to coincide with the 47th Anniversary on August 4, 2022.

In fact, President Director of Indocement Christian Kartawijaya said, his party is trying to continue to reduce greenhouse gas (GKR) emissions Scope 1. In 2021, the resulting GKR emissions will decrease to 606 kg of CO2/tones of equivalence cement, down from the previous year which reached 623 kg of CO2/tones of equivalence cement.

"We also have a target, by 2025 we will use 25 percent of alternative fuels," Christian said in his statement.

In less than two weeks from the celebration of the 47th anniversary, Indocement officially supplies all electricity needs for the Plant Tarjun plant, in South Kalimantan. Thus, PLTU with a capacity of 55 megawatts (MW) owned by Indocement stopped operating and early retirement was replaced by 100 percent electricity from PLN.

This step taken by Indocement also received appreciation from the Governor of South Kalimantan, represented by Expert Staff for Economic Development, Suparno. He assessed that this moment will increase the positive investment climate in South Kalimantan, increase economic access, and continue to maximize the potential of existing resources.

"This strong synergy is to strengthen cross-sectoral cooperation in order to realize the vision of the Advanced South Kalimantan," he said, quoted from an official statement, Monday, August 15.

Meanwhile, PLN's Regional Business Director for Sumatra and Kalimantan, Adi Lumakso, said that this transition began on August 3, 2022, to increase the reliability of the Indocement electricity supply. Furthermore, Indocement will stop the operation of the company's steam power plant (PLTU) and become a PLN customer with a capacity of 55 MW.

"PLN is committed to serving and providing reliable and quality electricity supply to support the production process of cement and competitive prices and to encourage the investment climate in Indonesia, especially in the Semen Industry," said Adi.

On the same occasion, Director of Indocement Antonius Marcos said, with this High Voltage Customer COD, PLN has realized synergies with industry. This is expected to contribute to accelerating economic growth and domestic industrial resilience.

"Representing ITP Management (Indocement), we give our deepest appreciation and gratitude to all parties involved who have struggled to make our dreams come true," said Antonius.

Starting from Small Things

Indocement's commitment to realizing a green economy is not only in the big aspect. This issuer with the stock code INTP is also quite concerned about small things that are in its business area.

Such as waste management that can be recycled or that cannot be recycled from the community. This is evident from the cooperation between the company and PT Bangunperkasa Adhitamasentra (GRC Board) in collaboration with PT Cerita Untuk Anak Negeri, to present a circular economic platform called October.

Through this collaboration, Indocement will use the Octopus application to collect cement bag waste from users to be reused. Garbage that cannot be recycled by Octopus will be processed by Indocement as an alternative fuel in the operation of the cement factory, while PT Bangunperkasa Adhitasasentra will use the three-wheel cement bag as an alternative material in producing cement boards.

This program invites industry, construction actors, and the general public to be directly involved in protecting the environment.

Furthermore, on October 10, Indocement signed a commitment to cooperate in providing refuse-derived fuel (RDF) with the Environmental Service of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

The signing coincided with the soft opening of the Landfill Mining and RDF Plant TPST Bantargebang waste processing facilities in Bekasi City.

This cooperation agreement will be followed up with a sale and purchase cooperation agreement with the Regional Public Service Agency for the Integrated Waste Management Unit.

In a published release, Indocement assessed, the process of managing urban waste into RDF in cement factories is a very important step for the Indonesian people, because it is one of the solutions to urban waste problems with the most efficient investment costs and also the process can reduce CO2 emissions and reduce GRK emissions.

Achieve the Presistence Award

Various Indocement efforts in sustainable economic development and the green economy certainly attract the attention of various parties. In fact, Indocement had won various prestigious awards.

One of them is through the Semen Tiga Roda product which managed to maintain the status of Green Label Indonesia level Gold from the Green Product Council Indonesia. This certification was issued for composite portland cement (PCC) products produced by the Indocement Citeureup Factory Complex and the Cirebon Factory Complex.

This Green Product Indonesia certification is valid for one year and can be renewed. Green Label Indonesia certification is an environmentally friendly product certification, this certification is expected to reduce the negative environmental impact of a product.

The Citeureup Indocement Factory Complex has also won the 2022 Energy Efficiency Subroto Award, which is the highest award in the field of energy efficiency from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

Indocement managed to get an award in the category of Energy Management in Buildings and Industry - Special Innovations' after the Citeureup Factory Complex Energy Team submitted an innovation paper entitled "Optimizing the Usage of Spent Bleaching Earth (SBE) as Alternative Fuel at Plant 11 Citeureup Factory with Six Sigma Mepologies".

This innovation affects reducing CO2 emissions by 216.88 tons of CO2 per year.

The Subroto Award for Energy Efficiency is a national energy efficiency award event that has been routinely held by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources since 2012, previously this award was called the National Energy Efficiency Award (PEEN) before changing its name in 2018. Indocement Factory Citeureup is the second time to receive this award.