Blue Bird Fires Drivers For Catcalling Of Russian Citizens

JAKARTA Blue bird Group fired the driver of the catcalling perpetrator against a female citizen (WN) of Russia with the initials GV. The decision was one of the company's firm stances.

"As of November 8, 2022, we have carried out an internal investigation, and have fairly given warnings and strict sanctions in the form of breaking partners against unscrupulous drivers," wrote Blue Bird's official statement seen by VOI, Thursday, November 10.

Blue Bird also apologized to the Russian citizen or victim. The reason is, the actions of unscrupulous drivers have resulted in inconvenience to the victims.

"We apologize for the inconvenience caused, both for a pedestrian who gets unpleasant treatment," he said.

Meanwhile, the victim claimed to have forgiven the perpetrator for what he had done. In fact, he also asked the taxi bike not to stop the driver.

"Apology was accepted (Russian WN) and asked management not to fire F's brother as a taxi driver," said South Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head, Kompol Irwandhy.

GV received unpleasant behavior while walking on the sidewalk of the Kuningan area, Setiabudi, South Jakarta in response to an individual taxi driver suspected of catcalling a female citizen of Russia in Mega Kuningan, Setiabudi, South Jakarta, Monday, November 7.