Although Loved, It Turns Out That Not All Cats Are Like To Hold The Owners

YOGYAKARTA hairy animals such as cats and dogs, may make you comfortable when hugging them. But apparently, not all these cute and▁pinjamanxes like to hug. Even though they love to be loved and fed, recognize the body language when the cat is uncomfortable when hugged.

Cats are known to have a special closeness to their owners. They like to swipe their bodies on your feet when they are looking for attention. What if you hug them tightly, kiss them, and carry them? Launching PetMD, Wednesday, November 9, not all cats like to be hugged. In fact, they hate to be hugged beyond their wishes. Especially when you treat the cat in a harsh and strong way when hugging it.

On average, cats will stretch, breathlessly, or MEow when hugged. If they feel very disturbed and uncomfortable, they can bite or bite. That is, you need to be careful in treating cats, including how to give affection.

How to give love to cats, it needs to be adapted to the cat character you keep at home. Several factors determine whether cats will like it or not. The first factor, some cats like to be hugged when they are children. When these domestic carnivorous animals are still small, they tend to enjoy hugs more than adult cats, especially stray cats that are brought home.

You also need to know a cat breed that is considered friendly. These breeds include Ragdoll, Scottish Fold, and Sphynx. These breeds tend more to relaxed characters so they like hugs in certain ways.

The second factor is how close they are to you. The more often they interact and are close, the more friendly they will be to be hugged or carried. However, pay attention to how to hug them. If you catch an anabul like a giant when they let their guard down, they may reject it.

In order not to rebel, you can stroke it first. Elus the head and face then rub his body. That way, the cat will let you hug and carry it.

Cats like softness, unless they don't like something. You may quickly know if your cat likes to hug by observing his body language. Cats that enjoy hugs, will lean their bodies on you. Sometimes, they willow, or rub their heads on your body, sometimes cryer. This marks the comfort of the cat when hugged.

On the other hand, cats that don't like hugs try to escape, push you away, and give you a signal that they are annoyed. They may put their ears back, shake their tails, and even hug them. Some cats are really going to "flood", making you think they don't mind being hugged, but if you look at them more closely, they may have wide eyes and stress expressions. If cats give a rejection response, let them out of arms.

Another way to give love to a cat, you can give a caress to your head. It could also be by combing through the fur, or giving his favorite snacks.