How To Distinguish Original And Fake Golds, Follow These Steps

YOGYAKARTA - Candidates for gold buyers must know how to distinguish real and fake gold. Because there are many cases of fraud in gold investment products. If it turns out to be deceived to buy counterfeit gold, it can be a loss.

Gold is considered one of the investment instruments that is safer and more profitable because its price is stable and tends to rise. But behind it there are still people who sell fake gold to deceive their buyers. Therefore, before buying gold, you must know how to check the authenticity of gold.

There are several ways to check the authenticity of gold before you decide to buy it. With the following steps you can distinguish real and fake gold.

The first way you can do to distinguish real and fake gold is to look at it physically. Pure gold or gold bullion has a special physical sign, namely in the form of a gold level marker stamp.

The stamps on original gold usually use finenes or more popular units with the term carat unit. The writing of carat units starts from 10K, 18K, and 24K.

The second step you can take to check the authenticity of gold is to bring it closer to a magnet. Gold is metal that is non-magnetical. So real gold will not be attracted or attached when attached to a magnet.

However, this method is not used as the only benchmark. There are also many types of metals that have non-magnetical properties such as gold.

The next step to check the authenticity of gold is to rub the gold. Try to rub the gold surface into your palm or index finger. If the gold color fades or becomes non-uniform then it can be ascertained that the gold is fake. The original gold will not fade in color when it rubs.

The next way you can do it is to bite gold. Gold is a precious metal that is soft so that it is easy to form. The higher the carat content of a gold, the softer the gold.

To check its authenticity, try to bite gold. If there is a bite mark printed on the gold then it shows it is real gold. But you don't believe it right away and check further. It could be that the material for making gold is fake or from tin metal which is also soft.

Another way to check the authenticity of gold is to shed acid. Try to drop a little acid on the gold and observe the reaction. If the gold does not experience a change in color then you can be sure it is real gold.

But if the color of gold turns green then it is iron covered with gold. If the color turns yellow then it is yellow that is covered with gold. If the color becomes milk then it is silver covered in gold.

You can also check the authenticity of gold by measuring the density of metals. But this one method is fairly complicated. Pure gold has a density of 24 carat or 19.3 g/ml far exceeds the density of other metals. It can be concluded that the higher the density, the more pure the metal.

how to test density is done using a glass filled with water and inserting gold into it. Then compute the mass formula and shift in the volume of water.

You can also check the authenticity of gold by staping it on paper or ceramics. If there are no scratches, you can be sure it's real gold. However, if there are scratch marks left behind, it could be fake gold. But this method risks damaging gold.

You can also check evidence of LM to find out the authenticity of gold. You need to bring gold to the nearest Antam LM boutique for testing. Officers will see the authenticity and gold content in it.

Those are some ways to distinguish real and fake gold. Before deciding to buy gold, surely you understand how to check the authenticity of gold. Don't let you be fooled by fake gold just because you don't understand the difference.

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