Wants To Reduce Imports Of Drug Baku Materials By 20 Percent, Bio Farma Actively Establishs Joint Companies

JAKARTA - PT Bio Farma (Persero) targets a reduction in the portion of imports of medicinal raw materials (BBO) by 20 percent in 2024. Currently, 90 percent of raw materials for drugs in the country still depend on imports. "So, within the next two years, we (import BBO) will decline by around 20 percent," said Director of Transformation and Digital Bio Farma Soleh Ayuhi at the BUMN Ngopi event at the Ministry of SOEs, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, November 8. Soleh said, to achieve this target, Bio Farma is actively establishing a joint venture (JV). One of them is with the South Korean pharmaceutical company Sungwun Pharmacopia Co since 2016. "The JV has been running since 2016. Until now we have produced 12 raw materials for drugs and halal. That's what we have produced," he said. On that occasion, Soleh also mentioned the production of medicinal raw materials. He said, in 2024 Bio Farma targets to produce 28 types of medicinal raw materials.

Furthermore, Soleh said that this increase in production targets was also carried out in order to reduce dependence on the raw materials for imported medicines. "The figure that I think is quite progressive, but needs collaboration from all parties," he said. 90 Percent of the Central Bureau of Import Medicine, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wants Indonesia to be able to carry out major reforms of the national health system. Indonesia must be able to provide 90 percent of medicinal raw materials. Even pharmacists are invited by Jokowi to be actively involved in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Jokowi's interest in reforming the national health system cannot be dammed. He considers that reformation of the national health system is the main key for Indonesia to be empowered. Indonesia must be able to provide its own raw materials. At least 90 percent. That's the message he posted at the virtual inauguration of Rakernas IAI from the State Palace on November 5, 2020. Jokowi understands correctly if most of the raw materials for existing drugs are imported from abroad. This condition is quite sad. "We know that around 90 percent of drugs and medicinal raw materials still rely on imports. Even though our country is very rich with biodiversity, both on land and in the oceans. This clearly eliminates the country's foreign exchange, adds to the deficit of transaction balance running, and makes the domestic pharmaceutical industry unable to grow properly," said Jokowi. "Therefore, being independent in medicines and medical devices must be our common priority. And it must be done in an extraordinary way, synergizing all the nation's strengths, both scientists, professionals, and industrial worlds," Jokowi said as quoted by Cabinet Secretariat.