Prisoned 30 Years By The Government Of Saudi Arabia Without Clearness, Who Is Abdullah Bin Faisal Al Saud? This Is The Profile

The figure of Abdullah Bin Faisal Al Saud is in the world spotlight. The reason is, one of the Saudi Arabian kings was imprisoned for 30 years after he returned from the United States. Then, who is Abdullah Bin Faisal Al Saud?

Abdullah Bin Faisal Al Saud is one of the sons in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He is the son of the late King of Saudi Arabia Raja Abdullah.

Despite his status as part of the royal family, Prince Abdullah actually temporarily stayed in the United States to complete his postgraduate studies at the University of Northeastern Boston, United States.

Reporting from Foxnews, the figure of Prince Abdullah is very rarely highlighted by the media. Not many people even know who he really is. Some of his friends are considered mysterious. Apart from that, his college friend also did not know that he was a prince.

Prince Abdullah's name then surfaced after the media revealed his imprisonment by the Government of Saudi Arabia. Not kidding, the sentence given him was 30 years.

Quoted from Aljazeera, Prince Abdullah's arrest was carried out in March 2020 and carried out without clear communication.

Human rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW), said Prince was arrested on March 27. At that time he was self-isolating due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Riyadh.

The 31-year-old prince was initially sentenced to 20 years in prison and 20 years in a ban from going abroad. But last August, the verdict increased by 10 years and now the total sentence he received is 30 years.

It is not clear why the detentions were carried out by the Government of Saudi Arabia. However, Saudi Arabian court documents alleg that Prince contacted his mother and several other relatives via private telephone while in Boston to discuss the detention of his cousin who is also Prince by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS), the current legitimate government leader.

Prince is also said to have used a public phone while in Boston to talk with his cousin's lawyer about the problem. He is also said to have sent 9,000 euros used to pay off his cousin's apartment rental bill in Paris.

The Saudi Arabian government itself has not issued an official statement or information on this incident. However, Aljazeera said that early March 2020 Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) supervised senior aristocrats and a number of officials.

Saudi Arabia is also said to have used Israeli spyware to intercept or spy on Saudi figures in the United States, one of whom is Prince Abdullah.

According to observations, the move was an attempt by the heir to the throne and a de facto legitimate ruler to consolidate power in the kingdom.

That's information regarding who Abdullah Bin Faisal Al Saud is. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.