Title Of Champion At Hylo Open 2022, Anthony Ginting: This Is For Mama

JAKARTA - Indonesian men's singles badminton player, Anthony Ginting successfully won the title at the Hylo Open 2022. This certainty was obtained after he defeated Chou Tien Chen from Taiwan in the final.

After his victory ceremony, Ginting said that he specifically presented the title of the tournament to his mother.

"I specially dedicate this victory to Mama," Ginting said in an official statement from PP PBSI quoted Monday, November 7.

With the victory he won in Saarbrucken, Germany, the world number six badminton player now has two titles during the 2022 season. This status makes Ginting also motivated to win titles from subsequent tournaments.

"Obviously happy I was able to become a champion in this Hylo Open tournament. Hopefully, from the second title I won throughout 2022, after winning the Singapore Open, it can increase my confidence to face the next tournaments," said Ginting.

Ginting won over Chou Tien Chen after passing the rubber game with a score of 18-21, 21-11, 24-22. In the third game, there was a drama when Chou was stopped by the umpire due to his racket touching the field floor while fighting back with Ginting in front of the net.

Chou immediately reacted by protesting to the umpire considering he was in the 23-22 critical point, but fortunately the jury's decision could not be disallowed and the winning point was in favor of the Indonesian representatives.

Ginting admitted that he was not disturbed by the situation. Instead, he understands it because he has also felt the same way.

"For me, the umpire decision did not disturb me. But it was indeed an unfavorable moment for Chou, because it happened at a critical point. I have also felt something like that in the last Hong Kong Open final," Ginting said about the incident.