The President Director Of PLN Conveyed The Commitment Of Indonesia's Energy Transitional At The COP 27 Summit

JAKARTA - The board of directors of PT PLN (Persero) will take part in the 2022 UN Climate Change Summit (COP 27) Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, from 6 to 12 November.

In this world high-level meeting, PLN emphasized its commitment to the energy transition.

A number of achievements made by PLN during the last two years will be presented by PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo with the delegation at the grand event.

Darmawan emphasized that PLN is the front line in carrying out the Indonesian Government's energy transition agenda.

"We have 8 initiatives in the energy transition where in the last two years there have been many progresses. As the host of the G20 Summit presidency, Indonesia has also accelerated various clean energy projects as a form of Indonesia's commitment to reducing carbon emissions," Darmawan said in his statement, Monday, November 7th.

One of the important issues that PLN brought in the COP 27 event was the retire of Steam Power Plants (PLTU).

Where, in realizing the early retirement of PLTU, global support is needed to accelerate the achievement of the Net Zero Emission target by 2060.

"The reduction in carbon emissions in Indonesia is the same as carbon emissions globally. For this reason, we PLN opens the widest space in cooperation schemes both in terms of investment and development of environmentally friendly technology," said Darmawan.

In addition to retiring PLTU to reduce carbon emissions, he said, PLN applies co-firing technology to replace some coal with biomass.

"This scheme has been implemented in 33 PLTUs out of 48 power plants that are being tested," said Darmawan.

PLN will accelerate the construction of new renewable energy plants (EBT). In the 2021-2030 RUPTL, additional new renewable energy plants will reach 20.9 GW or the portion will reach 51.6 percent of the total capacity of new generators.

Not only that, PLN also continues to strive to develop an electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem.

One of them is the development of public electric vehicle charging stations (SPKLU).

The SPKLU franchise, which comes from the collaboration of various parties, is very popular, there are dozens of business entities that have registered.

Efforts to improve the electric vehicle ecosystem will be mushrooming and spread throughout Indonesia.

"In essence, the hard work carried out by PLN is not only the current generation, but also for the generations of our children and grandchildren. Therefore, PLN invites all parties to collaborate in this clean energy transition," concluded Darmawan.