Often Featuring The 1997 Sea Games Funds, Government Steps Are Considered Inaccurate

JAKARTA - Head of the 1997 SEA GAMES XIX Infrastructure & Facilities Division, Lt. Gen. Marine TNI (Ret.) Suharto admitted that he took his hat off with the hard work of the 1997 SEA GAMES XIX Organizing Committee which successfully organized the Southeast Asian Sports Festival without logistical support in the form of the government's APBN allocation.

SEA GAMES 1997 funds, not a single one from the government. But great, Indonesia came out as the overall champion. This is a proud achievement," Suharto said in Jakarta, Sunday, November 6.

According to Suharto, the funds for the SEA GAMES are sourced from a private consortium managed by PT Tata Insani Mukti. This consortium was given a mandate by the President through the Ministry of Youth and Sports and KONI to find funds for the 1997 implementation of the Sea Games XIX in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, the State did not have a budget post for the 1997 Sea Games XIX in Jakarta which suddenly at that time. So that the organizing committee through the Private Consortium of Organizing Partners (KMP) SEA GAMES XIX, worked extra hard to get funds so that the SEA GAMES could be held and succeeded.

"Indeed, there was no support for funds from the government and it was not budgeted in the state budget at that time," he explained.

He explained that the funds for the SEA GAMES were not sourced from the APBN. But this fund is purely from the private sector who is given the task by the state to find funds.

In the relevant Permenkokesra at that time, KMP SEA GAMES XIX only sought funding for the benefit of the 1997 SEA GAMES XIX in Jakarta (State Interest).

The demand for KONI and Kemenpora is a maximum of IDR 70 billion. However, on its way, KONI asked for additional funds of IDR 35 billion for athlete development.

Therefore, it is very inappropriate for the government to bring up the 1997 SEA GAMES funds again.

"This event suddenly, so there is no budget for the grand event, which is in the interest of the Indonesian state," he explained.

As is known, the host of the 1997 SEA GAMES event is the state of Brunei Darussalam. However, Brunei suddenly resigned because she was not ready. Therefore, Indonesia was chosen to replace Brunei.

Unfortunately, at that time, Indonesia did not have enough budget to finance this Southeast Asian sports party. Therefore, in order to support the SEA GAMES, a legal product was made by the President for the smooth process of implementing the 1997 Sea Games XIX in Jakarta.

Instruction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 1996 concerning The Implementation of the SEA Games XIX, 1997 in Jakarta dated June 11, 1996 and the Decree of the Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare as Chair of the XIX SEA Games Organizing Board, 1997 in Jakarta Number: 14 / KEP / MENKO / KESRA / VII / 1996 concerning the Appointment of the Private Consortium as a Partner Organizing SEA Games XIX, 1997 in Jakarta.

Once again, the party looking for funds is KMP Sea Games XIX with 1997 in Jakarta, namely PT Tata Insani Mukti as the subject of implementing law, not from the state budget. The goal is that the state event can be held," he added.

Therefore, Suharto admitted that it was strange that the bailout fund 25 years ago was again questioned. In fact, several previous presidents have never tampered with this bailout fund because the source is not from the state budget.

"I think 25 years is quite a long period, how many presidents are there. And it was never questioned at that time and now it's really in the brain. This is strange," he added.

Suharto said how difficult it was to organize the 1997 SEA GAMES at that time, especially in the field of facilities and infrastructure. This is because his party had to prepare 30-35 venues at that time. On the other hand, the cost of preparing this venue is very large.

Therefore, Suharto took his hat off with the KMP who worked hard to find funds to finance the 1997 SEA GAMES.

"Frankly, I took my hat off with this consortium because I was able to provide funds that the state asked for in the amount of Rp79 billion and an additional cost of coaching athletes of Rp35 billion. I don't know where it could be. But Alhamdulillah it was held and we in the field of facilities and infrastructure were able to carry it out. Even though it was structuring, the SEA GAMES can be held," he added.

In fact, based on existing expenditure reports, the 1997 SEA GAMES XIX in Jakarta cost more than IDR 156 billion.

Meanwhile, Bambang Trihatmodjo's attorney, Hardjuno Wiwoho, said that the SEA GAMES incident, which was recalled 25 years ago, was a proud event. Moreover, the Indonesian contingent has made the name of a successful country as the host of the grand event become the overall champion.

Therefore, the organizing committee and KMP SEA GAMES should be given high appreciation. "We should see the event fairly and wisely, objectively without any tendencies, comprehensively by looking at the philosophical and social aspects, not only on the juridical aspect," he explained.

Hardjuno emphasized that this SEA GAMES event is for the benefit of the State, not for the benefit of certain groups, a consortium, let alone personal interests.

It should be understood, the appointment of Mr. Bambang Trihatmodjo as General Chair of the 1997 KMP SEA GAMES XIX in Jakarta was based on his background, which at that time was the son of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Soeharto. His connection was as an influential entrepreneur at that time and on the initiative of two people who had closeness and influence for him, namely Brother Enggartiasno Lukita and Brother Bambang Riyadi Soegomo," he said.

"We really hope that the problems that occur can be resolved fairly and wisely by considering not only the juridical aspect, but also philosophical and social aspects based on existing historical facts," he concluded.