PLN Absorption Of Waste Osed Products From MSMEs For Co-firing Materials For Tarahan PLTU In Lampung

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) through a micro, small and medium enterprise empowerment program (MSMEs), PLN encourages people to process waste as a substitute for some coal as steam power generation (PLTU) or co-firing.

PLN processes solid waste (MSW) municipal into solid jumputan fuel (BBJP) as co-firing material at the Tarahan PLTU.

"PLN is actually collaborating by divising the community and utilizing waste around PLTU into power generation fuel, so this program has a tremendous impact on PLN, the environment and society," said General Manager of PLN Southern Sumatra Generation Main Unit (UIKSBS), Djoko Mulyono in a statement to the media, Thursday, November 3.

Previously, PLN had conducted MSW processing training to BBJP as co-firing fuel at the Tarahan PLTU last August.

As a result, as many as 2.5 tons of BBJP products have been used to produce electricity.

"PLN will increase BBJP's production capacity to encourage future green energy production," he said.

Djoko revealed that the Tarahan PLTU, which has a capacity of 2 x 100 MW, has produced 8,914 MWh of green energy from co-firing throughout 2022 and the portion of green energy production will continue to increase.

"PLTU Tarahan has collaborated with the TJSL group PLN UPK Tarahan, namely the Electrical Resik Waste Bank and the Young Tunas Farmers Group Way Harong in producing BBJB. With this extraordinary program, it proves that we are able to process residual waste into alternative fuels at PLTU," he concluded.

This effort is a form of the company's commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles in creating sustainable economic development.