Examining Psychological Aspects From The Case Of Children's Little Father In Depok

Rizky Noviyandi Achmad dark his eyes. His healthy mind died closed with emotion. Indiscriminately, he slashed KPC's biological daughter (11) many times until she died. His wife, NI is also still in medical treatment until now due to cuts in machetes in several parts of his body. The case of a father killing his biological child in Depok was so shocking.

The unfortunate incident occurred at Rizky's residence, Jatijajar Housing, Depok, West Java on Tuesday morning (1/11).

The night before the incident, the honorary employee of the Bogor Regency Bappenda was known to have consumed methamphetamine with his friends. He just returned home before dawn.

NI, who was already bored with Rizky's behavior, who often came home in the morning reprimanded him until a quarrel broke out between the two. Then, Rizky tried to calm himself down by going to the mosque to carry out the morning in congregation.

The perpetrator did not like it when his wife asked the reason her husband often came home in the morning. NI has also repeatedly asked for a divorce, said the Depok Metro Police Chief, Kombes Imran Edwin Siregar on November 2, 2022.

Arriving home, Rizky's emotions peaked. NI has packed his belongings to leave the house. His eldest daughter, KCP, has also worn a school uniform.

The two of them fought again, even harder. NI asked to be sent home to his uncle. During the fight, Rizky called KCP, Key, listen to father wants to talk.'

However, Key even threw away his face. Rizky's emotions peaked even more. He took a machete that was under the living room table and immediately slashed his wife's neck until she lay down.

Rizky then chased the KCP who tried to run and immediately slashed his son's entire body, from the head, eyes, neck, to the hands. Several KCP fingers were broken.

I made a mistake, I have never been valued as a man. My self-esteem is often trampled on by my wife, as well as my child. I have educated him and taught him with all kinds of recitation and tutoring, but always did not answer if I asked him," he said at the Depok Police Headquarters, November 2, 2022.

After the incident, according to eyewitnesses, the perpetrator had a smoking on the terrace of the house. Then come out carrying his youngest child who was 1 year and 6 months old. While his right hand still holds a machete.

"He said I was satisfied with killing two demons, only one more left," said an eye witness, Eka imitating Rizky's words.

Even though he had previously used methamphetamine, according to Kombes Imran, Rizky did the heinous act consciously. He admitted that he made a mistake.

"It's your child's uniform. You can see the results of the fire," said Imran while showing his son's school uniform which was covered in blood on Rizki.

"Don't apologize to us. You imagine this," said Imran.

According to psychologist Kasandra Putranto, a person's psychology can change due to external situations and conditions, as well as potential stress or under the influence of something.

From the case of the father's murder of his biological child, there are a number of things that should be of common concern. The first is related to drug use.

The negative impact of methamphetamine is based on a number of literacy, not only disturbing physical health, but also mental. A number of psychological problems that can arise as a negative impact of methamphetamine are anxiety disorders, paranoid, unable to distinguish reality and imagination often act rudely and aggressively.

If no one can control it, the worse impact could lead to a crime. Moreover, it is known from his relatives, Rizky is often temperamental.

However, is this attitude often shown in the work environment or in the association?

The second is about how to manage anger. Basically, Kasandra said, anger is an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense anger. Like other emotions, anger is accompanied by physiological and biological changes.

"When angry, the heart rate and blood pressure will rise, as will the levels of the hormone energy, adrenaline, and noradrenaline," Kasandra told VOI, Thursday (3/11).

Overcoming it, being able to use technology management, a process to help someone identify the cause of their anger

The goal is to help a person reduce anger, reduce emotional and physical passion that anger can cause, and help a person learn to control reaction and respond in a socially appropriate way.

"The American Psychological Association recommends several strategies that can be used to contain anger, namely to relax, restructure cognitively, and implement better communication," said Kasandra.

Third, related to relationship outcome, training for partners and also developments for couples before marriage, parents, children, mothers and relatives.

This program focuses on teaching personal-disclosure skills, especially regarding feelings, behavior, and elimination of blaming statements. Also, teaching the ability to hear or accept personal disclosure.

The six skills taught consist of empathy, expression, discussion, negotiation, conflict resolution, facilitating couples to changes in themselves, changes to others, generalization and maintaining.

So, if there is a conflict, the couple will prioritize communication and show a commitment to change. Not trapped by sabotage. They act angry, revenge, or even commit violence," Kasandra explained.

Whether Rizky is also classified as a psychopath because he has the heart to kill his own biological daughter, who is still a child, Kasandra said further examination was needed.

For example, checking personal and family medical records. Generally, a person diagnosed with a psiccho was diagnosed with behavioral disorders (conduct disorder) in his childhood.

Then, psychological evaluations that explore thoughts, feelings, relationships, behavior patterns, and family history. Also, a special test to assess the characteristics of psychopathic personality disorders, including behavior to the possibility of violating norms and laws, namely Psychopathy Checklist (Revised (PCL-R), "said Kasandra.

To be sure, the incident of the father's murder of his biological child caused a traumatic experience for his wife. Husbands who should provide a sense of security and comfort actually provide violence that creates fear and anger.

According to Kasandra, someone who experiences or witnessed unpleasant events can develop symptoms of post-traumatic disorder, anxiety disorders that make the sufferer remember traumatic events.

"The symptoms experienced may include flashbacks, nightmarees and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the incident," added Kasandra.