EG Dispolminated Sirop Drug Disrupts Consumers, Commission VI Of The DPR Gives BPKN Time To Build Complaint Posts In 1x24 Hours
JAKARTA - Commission VI of the House of Representatives expressed concern over the death of 178 Indonesian children who suffered acute kidney failure. The commission in charge of trade urged the government to immediately fulfill the rights of the victims. "Commission VI of the House of Representatives regrets the occurrence of acute kidney failure in children and expresses deep condolences for the number of casualties," said Chairman of Commission VI of the House of Representatives, Martin Manurung, while reading the conclusion of a meeting with the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN) at the House of Representatives building, Thursday, November 3. Martin said Commission VI of the House of Representatives asked BPOM and BPKN to play a maximum role in receiving and following up on public complaints. Including consumer reports that have been harmed by both material and soul related to cirrheal drugs contaminated by Etilen Glikol (EG) chemicals triggered acute kidney failure.
"Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives urges BPKN to open complaint posts both online and offline within 1 X 24 hours, in order to advocate for consumer rights related to cases of formula milk and typous drugs that are problematic for children," he said.
Martin continued, his party also encouraged BPKN to coordinate with the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) and the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) to immediately clarify and announce formula brands that are contaminated with the bacteria Enterobecter Sakazakii and enforce regulations related to the circulation of baby formula milk.
"Commission VI of the DPR RI urges BPKN to further increase synergy with relevant Ministries and Institutions in order to carry out BPKN's duties and functions in protecting consumers/communities," said Martin.
Martin said that his party gave BPKN time to provide written answers in more detail and could be accounted for within a maximum of 10 working days on questions from members of Commission VI of the DPR RI.
Commission VI of the DPR, added Martin, will also submit to the DPR leadership to hold a Joint Meeting between Commission VI of the DPR and Commission IX of the DPR which presents the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Trade, BPOM and BPKN. "Regarding cases of acute kidney failure due to mild drugs that are problematic for children," concluded Martin.