Thousands Of Fishermen In Rembang Received Subsidized Solar Assistance, Regent Call Small Used

A total of 1,947 fishermen in Rembang Regency will receive social assistance for fuel oil from the Central Java Provincial Government.

Head of the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Dinlukan) Rembang Regency, Sofyan Cholid, said that the number of recipients of the social assistance was obtained after verification was carried out by the Central Java Provincial Government. There were 2,063 prospective social assistance recipients, but after being verified there were only 1,947 people, because 118 fishermen did not qualify, with various factors.

"But after we verified, there were things that were recorded by fishermen but they had died and some of the ships were sold, resulting in a reduction," explained Sofyan, Wednesday, November 2.

Sofyan said, the plan is for the fuel subsidy social assistance to be disbursed within two days, after the socialization activities for fishermen in the context of controlling the impact of inflation have been completed.

Rembang Regent Abdul Hafidz assessed that the fuel subsidy social assistance was very appropriate. The reason is, assistance in the form of diesel, is unlikely to be misused.

"We thank the Central Java Provincial Government, which has helped our fishermen with 1,947 (people) in the form of diesel. Another cannot be used, because the card is in the form of a diesel," said the regent.

He said that his party would back up fishermen who had not been included in the list of recipients of social assistance for fuel subsidies from the provincial government.

"So that the Rembang Regency Government will cover fishermen who have not received social assistance through the Regency Regional Budget. The number is around 2,900 fishermen," continued the regent.

The Regent hopes that with assistance to fishermen, both social assistance from the provincial government and the district government will be able to reduce the inflation rate.

Based on data from the Dinlutkan of Central Java Province, the regent continued, the provincial government budgeted for social assistance through unexpected assistance, worth Rp4.7 billion, so that fishermen received assistance of Rp330 thousand. The budget was distributed to 34,375 fishermen in Central Java.