3 Most Involved Indonesian Muslim Figures In The Today

YOGYAKARTA - The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center (RISSC) has placed three Indonesian Muslim figures on the list of the top 50 Muslim figures having an impact in the world of 2023. Who are the 3 most influential Indonesian Muslim figures?

Quoting The Muslim 500: The World's 500 Most Influential Muslim's 2023, this list aims to assess how influential a Muslim figure is in a social group. The impact in question can be in the form of culture, ideology, finance, politics, or others.

"Tenaga (one person) is to make significant changes to the Muslim world or Muslims," the publication wrote.

The great assessment of the impact of a figure run by RISSC is carried out through the results of a combination calculation between social metrics, public opinion, expert opinion, population assumptions, to the achievement of a figure who is long-range.

RISSC itself is an independent research institution affiliated with the Royal Aal Al Bayt Institute for Islamic THINKing. RISSC is based in Amman, Jordan.

Habib Luthfi bin Yahya

Lecturer Habib Luthfi ranks 30th in the classification of influential Muslim figures in the world in general. If according to the classification of scholars or lecturers, his name arises in 18th place.

The group of influence pinned to the lecturer whose full name is Al Habib Muhammad Luthfi bin Yahya is a scholar. Based on the RISSC, Habib Luthfi has a significant impact on the Muslim world by establishing hundreds of schools, mosques, and zawiyah in Indonesia.

Currently, Habib Luthfi as an Indonesian Muslim figure who is included in the world's influential list in 2023 has also served as Ra'is 'Amm in Jam'iyyah, Thariqah Specialist Al Mu'tabsarah Al Nahdliyah, Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Central Java, and leader Ba Alawi in Indonesia.

Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya)

Gus Yahya is in the 19th ranks of the 50 most influential Muslim figures in the world according to RISSC. Just like Jokowi, the General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama (Ketum PBNU) Executive Board ranks 9th in the group of scholars or lecturers.

RISSC included Gus Yahya in an influential figure in the fields of administrative, political, and teaching. The magnitude of the impact is said to be in the form of leaders from around 50 million PBNU members.

This year, it will be the 3rd year for Gus Yahya to participate in the list of influential Muslim figures in the world which he previously won in 2022 and 2021.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)

This year, Indonesian President Jokowi ranks 13th most impacted Muslim figure in the world. Then in the classification of political figures, the Governor of DKI Jakarta ranks 9th.

RISSC classifies Jokowi in the list of Muslim figures who have an impact on politics. The impact is said to be leaders from 280 million Indonesians.

For Jokowi, this achievement is his 4th title. Participating, Jokowi has also been placed by RISSC as an influential Muslim figure in the world in 2022 in position 13, 2021 in position 12, and 2020 in position 13.

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